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Burdock Aglycone Of Calcium Antagonist And Anti-influenza Virus Research

Posted on:2002-12-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y GaoFull Text:PDF
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AbstractThe ca1cium antagonist action and anti--inf1uenza virtue acivity bymethod of ce11 cu1ture technique of arctigenin(ACT) were studied in orderto verify ACT to be the effective constituent of Fructus Arctii for there1 ieve of exterior syndrome. As the quant itat ive index, determinat ion of theACT content can be used to assess the qua1ity of the drug. Muscu1arcontraction of isolated rat trachea, co1on, pu1monary artery and thoracicaorta induced by KC1 or CaC1,, before and after the addition of ACT wereassessed and their concentration--response curves drawn and PD' 2 ca1cu1atedaccording to Scott. The inhibition rate of two--phase contraction of guineapig trachea induced by acety1choline ch1oride (Ach) in comparison withverapami1 (VER) was ca1culated. The method of ce11 culture was used to observethe activity of antiinf1uenza virus (Al) by hemagg1utination test in termsof hemagg1utination titer of influenza virus.Resu1ts of the study showed that ACT cou1d non--compet itive1y antagonizethe muscu1ar contraction of the test specimens with PD', of 4. 01, 5. l1, 5. 98and 6. 05 respect ive1y. Similar to VER, ACT cou1 d non--compet it ive1y antagoni zethe iso1ated guinea pig trachea with PD' 2 of 4. 04 and 5. 62 respective1y. Bothof them could inhibit the first phase contraction induced by Ach withinhibi tion rates of 66. 14% and 81. 42% respective1y. ACT can direct1y inhibitthe reproduction of inf1uenza virus A/Jing Fang/95 (HlN1) --262. ACT'sinhibition rate of hemagg1utination titer (%) of four concentrations(nuno1/L): 6. 7, 13. 4, 26. S and 53. 6 are 0, 75, 87. 5 and 100 respective1y. It wasconcluded that ACT, as the active constituent of Huc tus Arctii, re1axedsmooth musc1e contraction by b1ocking the potentia1 dependant Ca'+ channe1and the internal re1ease of Ca'+. Determination of the ACT content in FructusArctff is a suitab1e and feasib1e qua1ity control criterion to assess thequa1ity of the drug.
Keywords/Search Tags:Anti-influenza
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