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The Former Will Rule Tied Experimental Studies Of Chronic Non-bacterial Prostatitis

Posted on:2002-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S T MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204360032450580Subject:Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Using the rat mode1 of experimental prostatatis constructed withXiaoZhiLing injection, the effect of Qianbizhi suppository acting onchronic prostati tis (CP) has been discussed. Qianbizhi suppository haseffects of e1iminating dampness by coo1ing and e1iminating stasis toactivate meridians and to stop pain. The resu1ts showed: Qianbizhisuppository can restrain the inf1ammation and the fibroplasia andimprove tbe secretion of prostate g1and obvious1y. At the same time, theproduction of Qianbizhi suppository is simple introduced. It is thoughtthat Qianbizhi suppository is the production of the combintion ofTraditiona1 Chinese herb and modern preparations and materia1s.Tberefore, Qianbizhi suppository wi11 be a new1y fu11y prospectiveTradi tiona1 Chinese patent medicine in treating chronicprostati ti s (CP).
Keywords/Search Tags:Qianbizhi suppository, experimental study, chronicprostatitis
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