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Benefits L Development Strategy

Posted on:2009-10-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199360272958554Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Growing Company is a group company which includes five members. The company integrates trade with agriculture and industry, which is engaged in supplying fresh vegetable at home and abroad. With rapid development of the business and investment, the company's profitability and financial situation tend to deteriorate. With the change of inside and outside environment, Growing Company are thinking and concerning the issue of how to rectify strategy, so that it can cope with the threats and grasp the opportunities better.Above all, the article introduces Growing Company and looks back the history of it. Then the article analyzes macroeconomic environment and industrial environment of Growing Company in PEST Model and Six Force Model. Next the article elaborates the matching of inside and outside environment of the company in SWOT Model, and then summarizes appropriate developing strategy of the company. Last the article puts forward corresponding suggestions and implementation steps.The article provides realistic guidance and target to Growing Company, and it plays an important role for the whole Growing Company development; On the same time, it also can provide some reference to other enterprises which are similar to Growing Company.
Keywords/Search Tags:Growing Company, Strategy Environment, Developing Strategy
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