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Interpretation Of Curitiba

Posted on:2011-04-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2192360305466831Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The balance of development and environment protection and the choice between ideal and reality is a common challage for each country in the modernization process. When developed countries got rid of poverty and came to a prosperous phase, developing countries encountered bottleneck with environments and resources in the modernization construction process. To most developing countries, not only the difficulty of capital source should be resolved, but the mode which accord with national situations. The city construction mode exploration based on the poverty areas is a valuable experience offered by developing countries.This paper take Curitiba as a point of penetration, an example of green home constration in developing country, to show the effort in exploring the mode that the developing country made in modernation process, and to show a novel city design viewpoint that mixed local situation and sustianable development. Curitiba is a brazil city located in Latin America, facing the Atlantic Ocean, it is a famous ecocity, the only city in third world in the first batch of livable city which UN declared. This paper strive to conduct a deep and detailed example analyse, and to show the valuable experience accumulated in Curitiba, such as the city communal facilities construction which start as a lifestyle reconstruction, and the social innovation which collaborate among designers, government officials, and the common people, and the experience and frustration the designer met when they intervene to manage public affairs, to offer a useful reference in designer's rethinking about personal and group practice, exploring a way to confront big challenges.The paper thinks that at the present times design innovation and city development all faced with signigicate value gaps and methodology dilemma, the city of brazil has profound meaning, it reveals the power that relesed by the designers who come out of commercal barrier, devote themselves to a boarder social reform experiment. Curitiba is not a city that put through the reform, many new questions appeared all the time in the reform process, but as all of the barries human society met, they should resolved by designers'endeaver. Besides, he most important thing is that the designers should follew this new idea, get the new awareness of the role they play in this world.
Keywords/Search Tags:Curitiba, sustainable development, design innovation, social innovation
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