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China’s Pollutant Cap Control Research

Posted on:2016-05-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2191330461989940Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since industrial civilization marked by a steam engine, environmental problems have gradually become outstanding problems faced by the human development. Worldwide environmental problems have made people to strengthen self-reflection and understand the essence of environmental problems. Since the concept of pollutant cap control proposed in Japan, developed countries have adopted it as an important environmental policy of their countries.Pollutant cap control has been the way to solve the problems of global environment and climate. In the late 1980 s,China proposed pollutant cap control. The extensive economic growth led to the ecological environment deterioration.As a result,people pay constantly attention on the quality of the environment.Pollutant cap control has also gradually become one of the most important environmental policy in China. In China,pollutant cap control has not only been a policy to reduce pollution emission and improve environment, but also been expected to complete "restructuring, transfer mode".Then,China can improve the environment by "structural adjustment" to realize the transformation of development mode and complete control tasks. China is the biggest developing country,it is also facing huge pressure of resources and environment and difficult development tasks. So,it has important theoretical and practical significance to explore the good policy. Pollutant cap control can promote the sound and rapid development of economy and society.The purpose of this paper is to study the policy of pollutant cap control.It adopts the combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis research methods.Through the literature, case Analyze, combined with the practical work of the policies of the pollutant total amount control, we can see that it is not obvious to improve environmental quality.From the policy goal, framework and policy itself, environmental quality correlation degree is not high with pollutant cap control. The law of pollutant cap control is not perfect.On the policy choice, command and control is main way.There are many problems,such as bad economic efficiency, incontinuous improvements, unfair events. From the actual case,we can see the externality of pollutant cap control internalization in China is weak. Finally,it gives the suggestions in establishing perfect relevant laws, economic incentives and emissions trading market.
Keywords/Search Tags:pollutant cap control, Environmental policy, Environmental policy analysis
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