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Research On The Eco-compensation Under The Restrict Development Region Of Xinjiang Province

Posted on:2011-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2191330332479129Subject:Regional Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Eleventh Five-Year Plan" proposed by the main functional areas of the division of the national strategy of sustainable development and achieve the major strategic balance of space and proposed restrictions on development zones through the establishment of ecological compensation mechanism to tighten the restriction zone of ecological restoration and environmental protection to address the subject of different functional coordination between the interests of the region, to achieve non-development of the rich. Xinjiang's economic development in the country has an important strategic position of resources, along the border open position, the status of ecological security and multi-ethnic neighborhoods of special status. However, the ecological environment in Xinjiang shows great vulnerability and sensitivity of functional divisions in the country in general,Development is restricted in most parts of Xinjiang, and the prohibition zone, ecological compensation for the Xinjiang regional coordinated development of economy and environment provided an opportunity.Therefore, this restricted zone of Xinjiang class object of study, with the theory of sustainable development, ecological economics, natural capital (ecological capital) theory, externality theory and public goods theory and the market value, opportunity cost, shadow project method, the value of ecological services equivalent factor table, etc., around the implementation of ecological compensation zones in Xinjiang limit the special issue of the restriction zone of ecological compensation in Xinjiang subject, object, building a framework of ecological compensation and ecological compensation standard qualitative and quantitative, empirical Research and analysis, the following conclusions:(1) The essence of ecological compensation is through the implementation of certain ecological protection policy instruments internalization of externalities, so that the results of ecological protection of the "beneficiaries" to pay the appropriate fee, to be engaged in ecological construction and protection corresponding compensation, through the system eco-innovation to solve a reasonable return to investors, encouraging people to engage in ecological protection, ecological capital investment and to proliferation.(2) Three South on the one hand suffering from adverse natural conditions and the fragile eco-environment development of the enormous poverty, economic and social development, science and technology development strength and development potential is severely restricted; the other hand, to the Xinjiang Ecological and even the interests of the country to pay a huge cost, limited development opportunities, and other parts of the development of the widening gap. Establish and improve the ecological compensation limit zone is the fundamental requirement of sustainable development in Xinjiang, but also out of the vicious Three South development, the only way towards economic and social prosperity.(3) The compensation standard is the core ecological compensation, but also the difficulties of ecological compensation and priorities related to the effects of compensation and compensation by the bear. Ecological compensation of ecological compensation standard should be to provide ecological services between the cost and between the value of ecosystem services. Ecological services provided by the cost and the value of ecosystem services, the calculation of compensation available to maintain and restore the ecological behavior of the lack of incentive. (4) Ecological compensation mechanism of ecological compensation is the main component and the interaction between departments, the law of interaction and coordination between them, running through some of the ways and means to bring all the elements associated with organic to achieve the successful implementation of ecological compensation for the purpose of building, through the establishment of long-term ecological compensation mechanism, the formation of "eco-builders provide ecological products-Eco beneficiaries to purchase eco-products-to provide compensation for eco-builders-to pay off an eco-builders-to strengthen ecological building-to provide eco-products "of the virtuous circle mechanism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xinjiang, restrict development region, ecological compensation
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