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Farmland Productivity Accounting On Kulun Country

Posted on:2011-12-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R C HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360305992392Subject:Physical geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present China is in a period of rapid economic and social development, land resources serve as an importantant part in the elements of China's food production capacity .The problem of food production capacity will become an important constraint of China's socio-economic development in the future. Farmland productivity accounting is an important way and means for deepening both the quantity of farmland resources and the quality of the management . Meanwhile, it is of great importantce and special meaning in the current social and economic development.Theroies on farmland productivity accounting at home and abroad, including natural ecological belts theory, the forming principle of land productivity, land quality concept, land economics, regional differentiation theory and the theory of land suitability, these theories provide a strong support and research methods for farmland productivity accounting in the natural, social and economic field .This paper applicated methods commonly used in the area of farmland productivity accounting, such as methods of stratified sampling, comparison, qualitative and quantitative analysis, Delphi method and 3S technology methods . According to national technical rules on farmland productivity accounting , we apply quantitative analysis respectively on Kulun country of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region about the theoretical capacity of its agricultural land , the capacity can be achieved and its actual production capacity.Conclusions: (1) The theoretical production capacity of Kohezi town is 16,500 tons ,which is the highest in Kulun country . Its theoretical yield per unit was 5628.25 kg / ha; The lowest is Manghan Sumu, theoretical production capacity of 2,100 tons, and its theoretical yield was 5624.73 kg / ha. (2) Kohezi town is the one which can achieve the highest capacity in Kulun country. It can achieve a capacity of 13,400 tons, the production capacity yield per unit can be realized as 4565.73 kg / ha; Manghan Sumu Can achieves the lowest production capacity, which is 2,100 tons, and the production yield per unit can be realized as 4643.62 kg / ha. (3) Kohezi town has the highest actual production capacity in Kulun country , with the actual capacity of 10,700 tons, the actual yield per unit is 3660 kg / ha; Manghan Sumu has an actual production capacity of the lowest, which is 1,200 tons, its production yield per unit is 3202 kg / ha. (4) The theoretical production capacity yield per unit of its farmland in Kulun country was 33750.54 kg / ha, it can realize a yield of 27,623.73 kg / ha, the actual yield is 20526.50 kg / ha, the actual yield accounted for theoretical yields and achievable yields of 60.82% and 74.31 % respectively. (5) The theoretical total production, total production can be realized, and the actual total production of Kulun country was 3,350,000 tons, 2,784,500 tons, 1,931,300 tons respectively. Actual total production accounted for the theoretical total production and the achievable total production of 74.31% and 60.82% respectively.Recommendations on the application of the results for farmland productivity accounting: Used in the process of establishing the mechanisms about farmland protection and compensation; the field of land planning; building an assessment system for the purpose of no reduction on the farmland production capacity in the planning area,to use production capacity standard to replace the quantity and quality conversion, and provides easy access to the scientific assessment of occupancy and fill balance system; other applications, such as the establishment of population capacity and the application in main functional areas of food production.
Keywords/Search Tags:Kulun country, Farmland productivity, Accounting, Applications
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