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The Demonstration Research On Ecotourism Based On Community Participation

Posted on:2010-05-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P F YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360278461696Subject:Human Geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As tourism development has promoted traveling economy and social development fast, it has also brought about many problems inevitably for the traveling, like environmental pollution, the breached social culture, the unfairly distributed tourism income. Community residents beared much of the negative impact of the tourism, but did not receive the proper compensation and the rights or interests , which was unfair to the community residents. If this situation continue for long , it would cause community residents' complaints, finally led to the social-cultural and environmental destruction. There were many ways to realize ecologically and economic and social sustainable development in the tourist destination community , but eco-tourism was one of the best ways. It was difficult to solve those problems in reality,just from the perspective of tourists, tourism managers or researchers.The tourism destination 's development must depend on community. Only by thinking from the perspective of community and guiding the community to participate in the eco-tourism process,it had the possibility to deal with relations between community and tourism development well and obtain new breakthrough in the development of tourism.So that it can reach the purpose of achieving the optimization of economic structure, protecting ecological resources and environment and traditional culture of community, raising the awareness of residents.A preliminary study on community residents' participating in eco-tourism from the perspective of community residents was made with a view to solve the practical problems and achieve a combination of theory and practice so as to provide some reference to further participation of community residents, taking Shuimogou district as the subject of empirical research in this paper.Four sections were divided into in this paper .The first section was an introduction, mainly introducing the domestic and foreign research progress , selected topic's basis and the significance of the article. The second section was the basic theory part, introducing correlation theories and concepts about the community participation. The third section was the empirical study part,summarizing the current actuality and existent problems on residents who lived in Shuimogou district participating in the eco-tourism, proposeing the solution countermeasures in view of the actual existent questions by practicing investigation and the questionnaire analysis.The fourth section was the pattern mechanism part, the pattern which community participating in eco-tourism was probed into from 5 aspects which included the decision-making mechanism, the benefit distributed mechanism, the ecological protected mechanism , the education trained mechanism and the safeguarded mechanism, with a view to achieve the combination of theory and practice so as to resolve actual existent questions. The last section was conclusion and discussion part, in which the conclusions were educed through the investigation, and the further research direction was pointed out.
Keywords/Search Tags:Community Participation, Ecotourism, ShuiMoGou
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