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The Industrial Structure Adjustment And Optimization Of Resource-based Cities And The International Comparative Study

Posted on:2010-07-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360272499012Subject:World economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Resource-based cities, as a special type of city in the process of economic development of the countries have played an irreplaceable role for the economic development of all countries have made a significant contribution. However, with the gradual depletion of resources, with the industrial structure from a single, slow economic growth, unemployment increased population, serious environmental pollution, increase of social conflicts and other issues continue to plague governments. China, as a relatively abundant resource, and the largest developing country, resource-based cities in the whole economy in the national economy, the proportion of larger, resource-based cities of the healthy development of relations between the Chinese economies further healthy and rapid development. Therefore, the resource-based cities are facing the problem which the Chinese Government is very concerned about. Introduced by the end of 2007, "the State Council on the promotion of resource-based sustainable development in a number of city views" was put forward to enhance resource-based cities sustainable economic and social development so that resource-based cities into economic and social objectives of sustainable development track.To adjust and optimize industrial structure is the world's economic development, one of the main driving forces has always been a hot research in economic circles. Resource-based town as a special kind of town, its economic development mainly relies on the development and utilization of resources in order to sacrifice capacity for sustainable development and environmental cost of a simple expansion of extensive mode of production, the pursuit of economic growth in the total. With the gradual depletion of resources, resource-based city's economic development has been severely restricted, with the country and the world the level of economic development gap. And lessons from domestic and foreign resource-based cities of the industrial structure adjustment and optimization experience, lessons, and promote China's resource-based economy as a whole town of great significance to sustainable development.With the current international economic crisis continued to show the world the same economic development is faced with new challenges. The Chinese government according to their own national conditions and put forward the "expanding domestic demand" approach, the domestic provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, also introduced a corresponding respective approach. In such historical conditions, resource-based cities on how to seize this opportunity to rely on domestic policy support and its comparative advantages, vigorously improve the industrial structure adjustment and optimization, change the mode of economic growth, fostering new economic growth point, will have a very important practical significance.In this paper, resource-based industrial structure adjustment and optimization of the main line, from the resources and resource-based definition and classification of city to start, and the classification on the basis of our country the typical resource-based city of Fuxin City, Silver City, Panzhihua City, Panging City and Iraq Spring City and abroad, the typical resource-based cities (city group) Germany's Ruhr district, France Lorraine area, the United States Houston, the former Soviet Union, the city of Donetsk, the city of Baku, Azerbaijan and Venezuela Kamas industrial city adjust and optimize the comparative analysis. Come to resource-based cities of the industrial structure adjustment and optimization of the objectives and principles as well as in industrial structure adjustment and optimization of the process of experiences and lessons learned.According to international comparison and China society's developing situation, the economic development of the resource-based cities should center on fast economic growth, saving energy, environmental protection and employment. First, the economy of the resource-based cities has fallen behind. In order to reduce the difference, we must keep the economy increasing healthfully and quickly. Second, we mustn't ignore saving energy and environmental protection in the course of increasing economy. It will undoubtedly bring about consuming the resources and energy violently, and destroying the environment if we pursue the fast economic growth blindly. And the continuous development will also turn into empty talk. Finally, employment should be reinforced in adjusting and optimizing industrial structure. Only in this way can we make the society steady and provide a good circumstance for the fast economic growth. In order to achieve the abovementioned purposes, the resource-based cities should insist on the following principles.1. Insist on the principle of adhering to the scientific development concept, focusing on conserving resources and reducing environmental damage.To keep the economy healthy and rapid development at the industrial structure adjustment and optimization, the resource-based cities should bear in mind the lessons, adhere to the scientific development concept, save resources and reduce environmental damage.2. Insist on the principle of comparative advantages, developing characteristic industries.With the social division of labor further refined, the role of comparative advantage is becoming increasingly important. The industrial structure adjustment and optimization of the resource-based cities should get a clear understanding of its comparative advantages, develop their own characteristics industries, and find a situation fit the characteristics of city development.3. Insist on the principle of cluster developmentAdhere to the principle of cluster development, vigorously nurturing regional characteristics industrial clusters, it is beneficial to reduce the system cost (including cost of production and exchange costs), improve economies of scale and scope of economic profits, improve labor productivity and industries and enterprises market competitiveness, and facilitate the flow of talent.4. Insist on the principle of expanding employment and improving the technical level and innovation capabilityThere is an important feature eat adjusting and optimizing industrial structure in resource-based cities. That is expanding employment function. That is the principle that the resource-based cities must pay close attention to.Based on the abovementioned purposes and principles, the resource-based cities should combine to their own facts, make scientific plans and develop the government and market's functions. Those mines and enterprises that don't conform to saving resource and environmental protection should be closed and stopped. The resource-based cities should make good use of derivate resources to develop circulating economy, fasten cluster development and construct new industry. Don't imitate others blindly and ignore comparative advantages and the present capacity.
Keywords/Search Tags:resource-based cities, the industrial structure, adjustment and optimization, the International Comparative Study
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