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Study On Regional Development And Spatial Structure In Shaanxi Province

Posted on:2008-08-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S B LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360215499431Subject:Human Geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The evolution of the regional spatial structure has its own rules. Theoptimization of the region spatial structure is crucial to the regional development.Regional development is closely interrelated with spatial structure: regionaldevelopment is the driving force of the evolvement of spatial structure, conversely, theevolvement of spatial structure promotes regional development.Since the reform and opening policy was introduced, Shaanxi province has gaineda rapid economic development, and its spatial structure has also undergone greatchanges. Based on the theories of regional development and spatial structure, andaccording to the data of on-the-spot investigations and literature, the paper analyzes theeconomic development and the evolutional process of regional spatial structure ofShaanxi province. Then discuss the relationship between regional development andspatial structure, and put forwards the optimized modes of the regional spatial structureand the measures of economic development in different regions. It not only fulfills thetheory of regional spatial structure, but also provides the scientific basis for macrostrategic decision.The article includes six aspects.Chapter one analyzes the background and significance of the regional spatialstructure research. The research progress of regional spatial structure, the guidingideologies and the research methods adopted in the research are summarized. At last, themain characteristics and the innovative ideas of the paper is stated out.Chapter two first introduces the terms on region and regional development, and therelated theories on regional development, including the theory of regional developmentphase, the theory of the evolution of regional industrial structure, the theory of Willam'stendency hypothesis, the theory of sustainable development. Then discuss the concept,the basis essential factors, the characteristics, the evolution and the main theories of theregional spatial structure. Those theories include the theory of growth pole, the theoryof core-periphery, the theory of point-axis, the theory of gradient and the anti-gradient.This chapter also discusses the relationship between the regional development andregional spatial structure, and then establishes the theoretical foundation for the furtherresearch of the paper.Chapter three mainly analyzes the regional economic development of Shaanxiprovince. First, it analyzes the regional economic development of Shaanxi province since the reform and opening policy was introduced, and makes a judgment that theeconomic development stage in Shaanxi province has just entered the middle industrialperiod. Then, it analyzes the three industries growth, industrial structure evolution andindustrial structure effectiveness of Shaanxi province, the relationship between theevolution of industrial structure and economic development of Shaanxi province.Finally, based on the dynamic variation tendency, the characteristics, the reasons andaffections of region economic difference, appraises the regional economic difference ofShaanxi province systematically.Chapter four analyzes the evolution of regional spatial structure in Shaanxiprovince since the reform and opening policy was introduced, appraises the presentsituation about the basic essential factors of regional spatial structure in Shaanxiprovince, and puts forward the point-axis system of regional spatial development inShaanxi province. It also analyzes the present situation of regional spatial structure inShaanxi province. Namely: The spatial distribution of GDP is centralized. There is agreat difference between the pole areas and the room areas, also there is a greatdifference between the axis areas and the axis room areas. The urban spatial distributionis disproportional and the urban size-hierarchy system is not perfect. The chapter finallydiscusses the driving mechanism of the evolution of regional spatial structure from thepoints of the productive force development level, transferability, technical innovations,foreign capital flowing and market economic laws.Chapter five first discusses the external environment of regional economicdevelopment of globalization, WTO, West exploring, Longhai economic zone, thebuilding of Ningxi railroad. Then based on the theory of the models of regionaldevelopment, some special models of regional development of Shaanxi province are putforward, namely the region of Guanzhong-use development model of network andpoint-axis, the region of Shannan-use development model of point-axis and growingpole, the region of Shanbei-use development model of growing pole. At last, themeasures that adjust and optimize the regional spatial structure of Shaanxi province areput forward. Namely: Accelerating urbanization. Perfecting regional infrastructuralfacilities. Promoting the flow of economic elements between different regions.Harmonizing economic benefit in different regions. Based on the different situation indifferent regions of Shaanxi province, different measures that promote the regionaldevelopment are put forward.Chapter six is about the theory summary of the studies of the paper, and then pointsout the problem that needs further study.
Keywords/Search Tags:regional development, spatial structure, Shaanxi province
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