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Application Research Of Earned Value Management In FAWER-JOHNSEN New Factory Project

Posted on:2008-06-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D PanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360212497197Subject:Project management
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With the development of social evolution and knowledge economy,the connection between all the elements of modern projects are becoming stronger and stronger. The integrated management has become the key to the success of the project. And the integrated management is also the most important comprehensive and overall job in the project management science.At present, the project management in China commonly use traditional single factor deviation method. However,this is not enough to instruct the process and the efficiency of the project and even misleading or meaningless sometimes. As a consequence, time limit for a project and earned value management should be applied to the project management,thus realizing a true dynamic control.In China, the recognition and understanding about earned value started with the cooperation with international corporations in the nineties. As earned value management is a completely new method of the integrated management, people just know about it and try to understand it while few of them do a deeper research into its theory and how to apply it.On the basis of some fundamental theory,this article emphasizes on the study and analysis of the indicator system of the earned value. Based on Earned Value Management of FUO-Johnson building new factories in the application environment, this article deals with the management program and project implementation and control in research of the project to establish how the Earned Value Management System and addresses how to conduct monitoring and implementation effectiveness analysis based on Earned Value Management of the project.This article begins with the origin the Earned Value Management and the development of the status quo. Through the Earned Value Management of the basic principles and methods described in detail,this article also deals with the Earned Value Management concept and the relationship between the basic plan value (PV), the actual completion of value (AV) Earned Value (EV).Through the evaluation of research and analysis of the Earned Value Management fees deviation indicator (CV), the deviation indicator (SV), cost performance index (CPI), progress indicators (SPI), the completion of the project cost estimates (EAC), yet completed cost estimates (ETC), and other indicators of performance, this article discusses about the Earned Value Management performance evaluation techniques.In Chapter II, through analyzing FUO-Johnson new plant construction projects and building construction features, project background, characteristics of the project, the project stakeholders and other various factors, this article analyzes five major aspects including the standards of organisation, plans, progress and the budget standards, accounting standards, and the amendment standards and also the basic conditions of the Application of Earned Value Management of. Through the analysis of the project control advantages of the earned value method, the superiority in using earned value management to control the project schedule and cost integrated management is stated.In Chapter III, during the introduction of the whole FUO-Johnson new factory project's construction program on the process, the article focuses on how to determine the mode scope of work based on the study of Earned Value Management ,how the project will further degrade, and using Delphi method, use experts'identification, guarantee the progress chart of the network based on the earned value management is reasonable and scientific。Through the introduction of the EV management implementation of projects in Chapter III, this article presents the method of the project decomposition and highlight how the entire project should be divided into single units according to the project construction technology in sequence. FUO whole-Johnson new plant construction projects organized relevant staff to work out the network plan in the light of detailed project to determine the scope and extent of decomposition with experts analyzing and determining the relevant period. At the same time, the direction is put forward through the network plan to identify priorities and important milestone for the smooth construction of the entire project.On the basis of research and analysis of the key points and methods of FUO -Johnson new plant construction project cost decomposition,this article expounds the cost elements and methods of the Earned Value Management decomposition .As the entire management team of the means and methods are relatively low, the cost of decomposition only goes to every single project, but from the perspective of owners'project management, it is sufficient to understand the progress of the project right through controlling the cost and the progress of the project,including the reason of the increase of the cost and the progress lag.After the in-depth study and exploration of FUO-Johnson new plant construction project management organization structure and the distribution of responsibilities matrix, this paper discussed a matrix organizational structure which is the effective implementation of the best organizational structure to ensure the implement of the Earned Value Management .Finally, the fourth chapter focuses upon core elements of the Earned Value Management , which are three key variables -PV (PLANED VALUE plan value completion of the workload), EV - (EARNED VALUE, earned value, the actual completion of the workload), AC (ACTUAL VALUE, the actual value of the actual expenditure costs); 2, Second deviation (COST VARIANCE cost deviation CV=EV-AC) SV (SCHEDULE VARIANCE progress deviation SV=EV-PV); 2 Performance Index -CPI (COST PERFORMANCE INDEX, cost performance index, CPI=EV/AC), SPI (SCHEDULE PERFORMANCE INDEX. Progress Performance Index, SPI=EV/PV). By the above process of data collection and analysis,the writer illustrates how these indices should be used to record, analyze the project cost and the performance of progress. On one hand,as for CV or SV, the deviation is positive, which is beneficial to the project, noting that the actual budget expenditures are below the actual progress of the project or in advance; On the other hand ,if negative, the actual budget expenditures exceed the actual project or delay; if zero,meaning the actual budget expenditures or projects to progress are in line with the program.Meanwhile, quadrant analysis was used to study the use of the CPI and SPI project performance evaluation. Through the various state projects, the completion of the project cost projections Earned Value Management described the forecast indicators how to guide project management. In this chapter, through July 3 analysis based on variables to identify cost plans have not been completed, and for the entire project team on the project a reasonable use of Earned Value Management approach monitor the actual cost and cost baseline differences in calculation error, identify the causes of deviation, and to actively take corrective measures so as to effectively control the cost of the project and progress and achieved good results. The final chapter describes how to use the earned value reporting system for project management and records of the charges.Based on the implementation of the project control and analysis, this article analyzes and studies in detail how to establish a progress-cost Earned Value reporting system, and how to take advantage of Earned Value Management technology to analyze project costs and progress of performance providing Chinese enterprises with a favorable experience and help in how to use Earned Value Management approach...
Keywords/Search Tags:FAWER-JOHNSEN
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