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Research On The Problems Of Rural Social Endowment In Hebei Province

Posted on:2012-08-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L H YanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Social pension is old-age social security, and it means a process that family's function of caring for old people is gradually transformed to the society. Actually it reflects a refinement of social division of labor, and it's a new process of the construction of an old-age system which is made by governments and the society. With the development of the social economy and the co-ordination of urban and rural, it is a trend that development of our social will be more equitable. The government has the obligation and ability to build a new sustainable way of the aged support in order to deal with the risk of an aging population, and to provide basic living for the rural elderly.Hebei province is a big agricultural and populous province. In 1999, the population of Hebei Province has been the type of aged population, and the proportion of people who are over 65 was more than 7%.Currently, in the rural of Hebei, family support is the main aged support. But the rural endowment insurance system is also being implemented. In 2009, Hebei government promulgated"The Recommendation of Carrying out the New Rural Social Pension Insurance Pilot". The first pilot regions covered ten percent of the province, after that, it will expand according to the national development, and it will achieve the basic full coverage of the rural age-appropriate people before 2020. Therefore, this paper explores how to create a new rural pension system in Hebei province, and achieve the full coverage of urban and rural social pension. It has important practical significance to accelerate the building of new countryside , narrow the urban-rural divide, promote the social equity, and build a prosperous society.In this paper, with surveying data by myself and drawing academic research, it mainly analyses the rural social old-age problem from the following aspects:Ⅰ. Analysis of the status of the rural social pension. First, define the relevant concept of social pension. Secondly, I describe the development of the rural social pension generally in order to analyze the current situation about the aged in rural areas of Hebei province. Again, I approach to analysis the main support system from the five guarantees, the system for rewarding and supporting rural family planning, senior citizens, and subsidies for the elderly, the rural social endowment insurance system and so on. The focus is the rural social pension insurance. Ⅱ. Explore of the reasons of implementing social pension. First, I analyze the tend of the aging population in Hebei province. Its status and trends is the objective reasons to implement social pension in the rural of Hebei province. Second, I analyze another reason to implement social pension - the flowing of the rural population is speeding up.Ⅲ. Find out of the problems in the social pension. First, I explain the exist problems from the aspects: capital, services and ideas. Secondly, I elaborate why those problems exist from four aspects: economic factors, policy factors, cultural factors and other factors.Ⅳ. Propose appropriate countermeasures to solve the rural social pension problems. There are three aspects: the social pension funding, improving the service level and strengthening the ideas of social old-age pension. The purpose is to promote better and faster development of the socialization of the rural old-age, and all the elderly can be raised well.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural, social pension, endowment insurance, old-age security
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