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Study Of Project Manangement In Construction And Exhibition Of China Provinces Pavilion

Posted on:2011-04-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L DaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189330338489339Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Chinese Provinces Pavilion was the important part of China Pavilion. During Shanghai expo 2010's operation, the Chinese Provinces Joint Pavilion succeeded in attracting a large amount of visitors from all over the world by great shows from every Chinese province. The achieved success was based on hard work and great intelligence of the organizer, the exhibitors and other organizational members. The construction and arrangements of Chinese Provinces Joint Pavilion was a great challenge job which compromised business exhibition project management and construction project management.The arrangement of Chinese Provinces Pavilion consisted of 31 province pavilions exhibition arrangement and the public exhibition arrangement, but it was distinguished with business exhibition project management by more stages of construction and system tests, which included several stages of building construction, equipments installation, exhibition decorations and arrangements, system tests. Compared with normal construction projects management, the organizer had more duties in the project management. Although the organizer was the owner of public area exhibition, it was also the coordinator for 31 provinces pavilions at the same time. The exhibitors of 31 provinces pavilions were also the province pavilion owners. The project management of Chinese Provinces Joint Pavilion had characteristics of many participators, wide range of project management, not distinct positions and duties.This article discussed the government project management and normal business exhibition project management on the management code and respective organization pattern. Based on the objective analysis of characteristics and problems of the Joint Pavilion project management, this article proposed an optimization adjustment of organizations and duties of positions. It also proposed that the project could be boosted in a whole by identifying and controlling key factors of this project implementation.The project management of Chinese Provinces Joint Pavilion could be divided into two aspects of management. One was the management and coordination between organizers and exhibitors which were representative of governments. Another was the management between owner and builder teams of exhibitors. The construction and arrangement of Chinese Provinces Joint Pavilion was a complicated procedure of big government project management implementation which was based on common objectives and implemented by 31 exhibitors with government background. The successful project management practice not only contributed great success for expo 2010, but also provided a new way for future business exhibition project management on management code and management methods.
Keywords/Search Tags:Expo, China Pavilion, Chinese Provinces Pavilion, construction and arrangement, project management
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