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The Development Strategy Research Of Guangzhou Enterprises Mergers And Acquisitions Services

Posted on:2012-08-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189330335994969Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Modern technology services business competition, not only talent, capital, services, enterprise-scale competition, or business development speed, ability to adapt to the Changes in the competitive ability of outside, Information Globalization development today, Who can stand strategy to the development of high ground, making a good long-term development strategy, actively and steadily implement the strategy, and according to internal and external environment facing businesses change, timely adjustment of strategic, timely and effective implementation of the key functions of strategy, enterprises can develop and grow, to pull through, to stand undefeated. Therefore, the development of a scientific strategic planning is very important, for a long-term development of enterprises. For this reason, this article will make many of the development strategy so as to make as many hope to further promote the development.This paper is divided into five parts: The first chapter is an introduction. Topics introduced in this paper the significance of the research paper describes the theory and research on domestic and international business strategy on the state of the literature review, this study also points out the methods and ideas. The second chapter is GJS internal and external environment. First of all, the company introduced of the situation. Next analyze the company's external environment and internal environment. On this basis, the authors carried out the development of GJS SWOT analysis. That GJS strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities coexist with the threat. As long as the guide properly, through the development and implementation of enterprise development strategies, of the dominant inferior and actively use opportunities, GJS is a great development of.The third chapter is GJS selection and planning of development strategies. First analysis of the business development strategy is based on the development strategies of developing GJS guiding principles objectives proposed by the company's development strategy and strategic positioning. Strategic objectives include the development of overall goals and objectives of the system. Set strategic positioning, including product positioning, positioning, and strategic status of the image. The forth Chapter is GJS development strategy for the implementation of the measures. Enterprises development strategy proposed measures, including strengthening the company's brand management, strategic alliance building company, the company's existing business integration, establishing a modern enterprise system and the innovation, to further adjust the company's capital structure.The fifth Chapter V of the company's strategy for the implementation of control measures. Analysis of the implementation of measures for the control of the company need to build the company from a strong corporate culture and the establishment of the company's human resources management new mechanisms and strengthen the information management and the strengthening of the strategic enterprise management, improve the company's implementation of the force and enhance their technological innovation and management aspects of the analysis.As a technical property rights exchange, GJS development strategy of the technology in other regions of China Equity Exchange has some reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:Enterprise development strategies, Business strategic alliances, SWOT
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