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Western Mining Corporation Financial Risk Management

Posted on:2011-02-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189330332976461Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Enterprise financial risk is the discrepancy result of anticipated and fact of enterprise financial activities. It result from various uncertain factors during the processes of social reproduction. It can be separated into financing risk, investment risk and capital currency risk. To manage the enterprise financial risk is to analyse the reason of financial risk, and to evaluate and control the enterprise financial risk, which can help the enterprise be free of loss.Along with the development of the market economy, enterprises face more and more complicated social economy environment day and night. It result in enterprises can not obtain the various information timely and exactly, which be necessary of the enterprise management activities. So the financial activities of enterprise face so many uncertain factors, and the results are also have randomicity and risk. Perhaps it can make the enterprise gained, or make it lost,or even make it bankrupted. Up to now ,bulk of enterprises in our country have not bring the financial risk management into the daily management of enterprise however. Though enterprise financial risks can be here and there, they have not been managed effectively. Enterprises of our country should build up the consciousness of financial risk, so it can help us to obtain the ability to assume and resolve the enterprise financial risk.Western Mining Co., Ltd. is a region in western China, mainly to mineral resources development, industry, large-scale mining companies, mainly engaged in copper, lead, zinc, aluminum and other base metals, mining, refining, trading and other businesses. Company relying on the Tibetan Plateau, expanding resource development, the implementation of resource expansion strategy, the first step to a modern enterprise system, while the company for future expansion of resources to achieve diversification and a solid foundation. Therefore, the western mining industry, as will be more bigger and stronger company, to enhance their domestic and even worldwide with the industry's competitive edge in seeking business in the future sustainable development of efficient financial risk management business is essential and must be their daily business activities, an important part of management.In the subject,I will use thouse knowledge learned in my graduate periode and study the relevant theoretical knowledge, practical experiences related research theories. At the same time , combined with Western Mining close specific conditions on corporate financial risk management and control is also based on the analysis conducted for the financial management of the enterprise to the status of corporate financial risk analysis and evaluation, and finally put forward for the company's financial risk management advice and suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:risk management, financial risk, Western Mining
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