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District Enterprise Industrial Cluster Development Model In Taierzhuang

Posted on:2010-11-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H P ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189330332459537Subject:Agricultural extension
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Due to the international financial crisis, a big impact on our economy, many small and medium enterprises to close down. Implementation of the enterprise industry cluster strategy is to ensure sustainable development of China's economy viable option, so the important topics of practical significance and application value. In this paper, a combination of the actual Taierzhuang area around the new situation, the development of industrial clusters of enterprises start the study. First learn the definition of industrial clusters of enterprises, classification and characteristics, followed by the business district in the state Taierzhuang a comprehensive survey, based on the analysis of industry clusters Taierzhuang District Enterprise Development Status and advantages of point to area industry clusters against China's enterprises status characteristics theory to explore the nearly one hundred companies from the research summarized in four fairly large-scale industrial enterprises cluster development model, that competitive industries are concentrated in textile and garment industry cluster model, cluster model of the coal industry, tourism industry cluster model and the "Sanshui agriculture" model of industrial clusters and industrial clusters from the external environment, industry collaboration with the technical innovation and industrial clusters (core competitiveness) analyzes the perspectives of corporate industry set Taierzhuang District groups exist constraints, and then choose from the leading industries, industrial clusters and industrial clusters inter-agency collaboration in the development of the external environment point of view to put forward practical ideas and strategies to resolve, which Taierzhuang area and national businesses as well as the province's industrial clusters Development play acertain role in promoting. One of the innovations of this paper is to combine the development of industrial clusters Taierzhuang District business practice, summarized the Taierzhuang District business industry cluster development model. Second, the proposed zone enterprises Taierzhuang industrial clusters to develop new ideas, it should be "seizing a center to address the two bottlenecks, establish three kinds of concepts, so that four innovations" summary. Center is a private enterprise industrial clusters scientific planning and rational distribution. Industrial cluster is not a simple accumulation of business, but planned and organized organic integration; two bottleneck is the policy bottlenecks and financial bottlenecks; establish the concept of three kinds of self-reliance, coordination, and the concept of bigger and stronger; to do four an innovative, first, private entrepreneurs to establish strategic thinking, so that thinking, innovation; Second, private enterprises, private enterprises should improve the scientific and technological content, so that technological innovation; Third, people-oriented, strengthening of human resources management, and knowledge innovation ; fourth is, private enterprises should pay attention to shape their own credibility, so that the brand innovation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Taierzhuang, corporate industry clusters, the core competitiveness of
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