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Dong Wine Culture Research

Posted on:2015-06-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W GongFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In Chinese food culture, liquor is an important part. Since the liquor was brewed byhuman, it has entered people’s life become an integral part of a culture. China, as acountry with56ethnic groups, each group has its own drinking habit and the origin,operation and function of drinking in each culture are different from other cultures’.Brewing is a major technological invention and this technology has to follow the lawsof nature. From the series process of knowing, mastering, digesting, absorbing, passing,regenerating of brewing, a unique brewing workmanship has been made by Dong. In thelong term of making, drinking and using liquors, to Dong, a special Dong “drinkingculture” is created with the features of Dong style brewing technique and liquor customand courtesy, and it also made a contribute to China as a treasure of ethnic culture.This paper takes drinking culture of local Dong community at Village Huanggang(located in Liping County, Guizhou Province) as the research object.Based on the fieldwork over there, through ethnological fieldwork methods ofparticipant-observation and in-depth interviewing and thorough reviews of relevantpapers and books, this paper depicts local drinking culture’s legends, brewingprocedures, crude materials for making liquor and other aspects at Huangguang Dongregion. Above is to ensure the credibility and authenticity of the data collected from thefieldwork and to reach a better understanding of Dong’s long-history drinking culture.This research suggests that Dong’s drinking culture implies certain Dong culture’sconnotations and social functions and has a positive meaning to studying Dong’s dailylife and cultural changes.Mainly, this paper focuses on following aspects: Chapter I is introductionintroducing the reasons of choosing this topic, of reviewing relevant theories, researchesand research aims and significance, and of illustrating research theories and methodsapplied in this paper; Chapter II introduces the natural geographical environment andthe layout of Huanggang Dong community; Chapter III analyzes materials for makingliquor, adaptation of local natural environment and social environment, and the uniquebrewing process at Huanggang community; Chapter IV illustrates the meaning of Dongdrinking culture from life etiquette and social interaction; Chapter V, mainly based onthe aspects of physics, psychology, society and spirit, is to illustrate Dong liquor’ssocial functions in enhancing national cohesion and religion; Chapter VI, as aconclusion, summarizes this paper and author’s main ideas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dong, Wine culture, HuangGang in Dong ethnic
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