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Design And Implementation Of The Educational Management System Based On .NET

Posted on:2011-09-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360305954462Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In today's world of science and technology is advancing rapidly, especially computer-related technology is even more rapid advances in computer technology which has greatly advanced the field of information technology in social development and wider application. Modern information technology has penetrated into all areas of social life, but also for education, has brought immeasurable impact. It is not only gradually changing the current form the education, but also for education, ideas, concepts and methods which have had a profound impact.Along with the deepening of China's education system, educational system has been an unprecedented development. The management of colleges and universities are gradually moving towards the management of information technology. However, the management level of China's colleges and universities at the primary stage, mainly reflected in a number of management students still using the old manual management, which result in low efficiency, information transmission inconvenient, not fast and some other issues, at the same time , the school is to train the national pillars of the establishment, whether in education or in management should be at the forefront, of which management is the key to the smooth functioning of the school, how to improve their management, is the current school administrators face an important issue . In today's era, network technology and computer software technology has been more widely applied to various aspects of the education system. The use of computer management system can not only simplify the school of traditional management model, so that the students academic staff to better manage some of the basic conditions, more importantly, which is the use of a computer can make college management standardization, institutionalization, digital, enhance the management level, reducing management costs, reduce the intensity of work, improve work efficiency, so that the efficient functioning of colleges and universities can be. Computer technology on campus application conforms to the conditions of our country to achieve modernization of the education-oriented, future-oriented guiding principle is to manage the modernization of the campus a powerful weapon.In addition the proportion of China's higher education increases every year, colleges and universities continue enrollment, college teaching resources and the increasingly tense, how to improve the utilization of resources has become a pressing need to resolve an important issue, of which the most important task is to deal with mass. The types of data that end many colleges and universities to start and accelerate the pace of construction of the digital campus, have built a campus network, built from the campus network platform which will be on campus many transactions were transferred to the network, significant savings in manpower and material resources . Many colleges and universities to purchase or develop a variety of functions management module, but a lot of software in the course of more or less practical use, there are some shortcomings, it does not cover many aspects of university administration which is not strong availability of a large number of practical problems to solve.Educational management system is a campus network, one of the most important functional modules, and almost all students in school is closely related to the establishment of educational management system which is based on the information collected through the network into the work of administrative staff in the daily transaction processing and improve of teaching at all levels of management to address the educational administration of the large amount of information, information gathering is difficult, information feedback delay, the bottleneck of the low accuracy of information, thus the full realization of educational administration of the network, automation, digitization, so that an efficient and orderly educational administration manner.In recent years, the domestic scale of tertiary education continues to expand, deepen reform education and teaching, which is the work of educational administration of new requirements. In recent years, with the rapid development of computer technology, education, information-based concept was gradually raised, which is aimed at education and teaching the process of information acquisition, transmission and application of speaking. Educational Management Information is technology education information technology sub-concept, academic management information refers to the process of educational administration with extensive use of computer technology and multimedia technology which is based on modern information technology to greatly increase efficiency and save a lot of manpower and material resources. Basically, all domestic colleges and universities now have developed or purchased their own educational management system, but most of the university's academic management system, there are a variety of issues, including the management which was not standardized, application efficiency low, the domestic educational information of the road still has a long way to go.Basically, colleges and universities abroad have had many years of experience in teaching management system applications; their development and management are also being perfected. In abroad, it is usually for the overall management of the management, data unification and stored in a database, the data primarily through the operation of C / S mode. Foreign universities and colleges because of the actual situation of China's different management models are not the same, so we can not simply copy the foreign management system, but should draw on its experience to develop China's current conditions suitable for the teaching management system.Another large-scale foreign university generally has a stable technical team to provide services and technical support. Colleges and Universities of information technology is relatively late start. The gradual application of the theory in a digital campus in the process of continuous investment to buy the one hand, colleges and universities to build a variety of hardware, system software and networks, on the other hand also been developed and implemented various types of teaching, research, office management, application system, the formation of a certain scale information technology systems. However, because the overall level of information technology is relatively backward, shortage of funds, theoretical system is not perfect and other reasons, internal university educational administration system in institutional settings, services, service quality and personnel requirements, compared with foreign colleges and universities have a certain gap.Looking at the current status of domestic research, and information updates in security-oriented aspects of the existence of a certain lack of information on the various existing systems to establish a separate, shared poor; in as the manager as the main body in the way, the information manager for the trade-offs rely on the information cognition and preferences are less easy to grasp the real needs of the user, and thus not fully meet user needs. The current state of the education system is also in the continuous reform and innovation stage, China's educational sector to fully absorb the teaching model of excellence abroad, combined with the domestic many years of experience in education, and gradually explore teaching methods suited to China's characteristics, the state Department of Education for all grade all types of schools to carry out a comprehensive credit system reform. Therefore, the educational administration software should be fully rely on the campus network, to achieve academic information, centralized management, decentralized operations, information sharing, the traditional educational administration toward digital, paperless, intelligent, integrated in the direction of development, and for the further realization of improved Academic management systems and computer information systems school lay a good foundation.The present era is the rapid development of the information age. In all walks of life is inseparable from information processing, which is widely used in computer information management system environment. The greatest benefit is that the computer can use it for information management. The uses of computer control of information, not only improve the work efficiency, but also greatly improve their safety. Especially for complex information management, the computer can give full play to its advantages. Computer information management and information management system is closely related to the development of the system's development is a prerequisite for system administration. This system is to manage the information the senate designed to.The educational management system uses the B / S and C / S architecture. This mode is only a need to develop web program, and a common application on the web server, the client installation standards, simple common browser can simplify maintenance and reduce maintenance costs. This system not only reduces the cost of system development, period, breaking through the original system uses the geographical limitations of the senate, while ensuring the security of critical data, operation of the rapidity, simplicity and convenience, as well as a better system interoperability .In this paper, the educational management system of the demand driven analysis of its main functional requirements, based on the planning and design of the academic information management system architecture to make it more in line with the quality of the education management requirements. Use. NET system architecture, designed the educational management system, the various functional modules, database, and then expand the optimization of the module functions. Finally, educational management information system is summarized and be given prospects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Educational Management System, Information-based, C/S, B/S
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