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Research On Cultural Adaptability Of Intercultural Communication Between The Cities And The Villages Of China

Posted on:2011-01-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
On the dividing of the cultural ecology of contemporary Chinese society, rural culture is based on country and with farmers as the main body and urban culture city-located, with the citizen as the main body, together constitutes the social cultural patterns. Different forms of culture represent different cultural ways of life.In the process of urbanization, the farmers directly and extensively have contact with the public and urban society. And so, the phenomenon of cross-cultural communication comes into play. In view of this background, the article researches on cultural adaptation issues of peasants who migrate to cities.The introductory section briefly reviews the background and significance of topic selection, research methods, as well as related knowledge of communication, culture, intercultural communication and cultural adaptability, and reviews domestic and foreign (mainly domestic) related researches. Edward Hall, in his book named Silent Language, discusses that Communication is culture, and culture is communication. Communication involves human activities. Culture involves individuals'spiritual attributes. Cultural adaptation is the behavioral reflection of different cultures in the process of cultural transmission.Then, on the background of the phenomenon of intercultural communication between cities and villages, the paper discusses urban and rural culture around the urban-rural dual system. Based on the cognization about profile and differences of urban and rural culture, this article makes further analysis of the influence of the city on the village in the urban-rural cross-cultural communication. The chapter uses case studies, questionnaires on peasants migrating to cities and living in cities, students from villages and rural youth working in the cities, and conducts the relevant research. Meanwhile, comparative analysis method is used a lot to sort out the social environment of urban and rural areas, urban culture and rural culture.On the basis of the investigation, the following chapter makes relative research on the cross-cultural phenomenon, and analysis of a classical case of intercultural communication between cities and villages in contemporary China and characteristic of current urban-rural intercultural communication. The article discusses the problems existing in the current situation and puts forward relevant measures, in order to improve the status of urban-rural intercultural communication. And we look forward to good communication between urban and rural, and harmonious development of cities and villages.
Keywords/Search Tags:urban-rural intercultural communication, cultural adaptation, urbanization, urban-rural dual system
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