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New Media Before And After Intervention, Comparative Study Of Crisis Communication

Posted on:2010-04-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiuFull Text:PDF
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With the acceleration of the process of globalization, the world has increasingly become a whole and at the same time the crises have become more and more challenges to face: from the United States of "911" crisis to China's SARS crisis, from the Wenchuan earthquake in China to a type H1N1 influenza epidemic. Especially with the advent of the Internet age, new media technology so that crisis was quickly and widely disseminated, the impact has been multiplied to enlarge. In the Internet age, how to deal with crisis situations has become a great deal of attention problems.In this paper, the evolution of media technology from the perspective of starting, and crisis communications with the dissemination of the relevant theory, compared and analyzed with the development of communication technologies, the media environment under the influence of different environments, as well as the formation of the different mode of transmission of the crisis, and explore in Web2 .0 times the application of new media technologies to deal with crisis communication approach.This paper revolves around four main areas: First, the spread of the crisis of the traditional media environment, the main analysis of the characteristics of media technologies and their dissemination, the Government laws and regulations in the form of political control and has been into the concept of journalists news of the three factors in the practice of control; second is summarized under the traditional media model of crisis communication; Third, analysis of a new media environment, as compared with the old and new media means of communication, sort out the crisis and information dissemination of laws and regulations of the evolution of the concept; four control the spread of the crisis in the traditional model to explore the establishment and improvement of China's national conditions and the new media environment of the crisis mode of transmission.Paper believe that the Internet and mobile phones as part of the representatives of the media to subvert the emerging crisis in the dissemination of information in the Government's practice of political control and information control, thus changing the media environment and the traditional mode of transmission of the crisis. Since the face of the media era, we should actively make use of new media, through the network, mobile phone information to achieve the crisis early warning, collection and feedback, so in the new media environment defuse the crisis.
Keywords/Search Tags:New media, Media environment, Crisis, Crisis communication
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