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An Ideology History Study On The Awarded Solicit Articles Of Takunpao In The Last Years Of The Qing Dynasty

Posted on:2009-04-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360245963518Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Takunpao was a namable patriotic newspaper in modern China which was famous of"dare to speak". It took on the public affairs such as supervising government and enlightening civilian wisdom as its own duty. In order to better implement the idea of running a newspaper, the founder Ying Lian zhi represented by the Gazette take a flexible and diverse forms——the awarded solicit articles which was one of the most effective measures. The text will be study on the ideology which were reflected from the activities of solicit articles. the late Qing DynastyOverview Takunpao essay activities, we can see that it has always been in the position of upholding constitutional monarchy, and always follow the trend of social development and has targeted its recommendations. Takunpao is a firm supporter of the constitutionality. Winners opposed to violence revolution, they considered that emperor constitutionality is the correct routine for China. They propagandized constitutionality actively in early period, criticized the innovation on the functionary system euphemistically, went deep into the organizing fashion of emperor constitutionality,Congress. Although there used to appear dissensions about the priority order between set up the Congress and promulgate constitution, there were also conflicts between emperor constitutionality and democracy constitutionality, the writers even discussed the role of political parties, but they put their hope on Qing government and the ideality became irreversible disappointment along with the complete collapse of Qing dynasty.In the late of Qing dynasty, the antinomy between Manchu and the Han nationality was a serious social problem. Takunpao designed schemes for banner man's self-dependence such as migrated people to the border land and run the"Eight Banner"workshops. The newspaper also claimed an ultimately solution through the reforms among politics,law and economy. At the aspect of social meliorate, Ying Lian zhi sparkplug haircut and replacing clothes straightforward. He designed uniform for Female students very innovatively up to the present under the combination of China and Western .This text analyses the contents of solicit articles, wield the theory of history and study measure of cross-disciplinary, in order to expound how about the degree and perceive level about social focus at that time, and reflects the development venation of late Qing Dynasty from a side.
Keywords/Search Tags:Takunpao, the award solicit article, ideology history
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