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Virtual Instrument And Its Applied Research In The Course Of Experimentary Teaching For The Electronics Curriculum In Selondary Vocational School

Posted on:2008-01-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y DingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360242470617Subject:Mechanical and electrical engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The electrician and electronic technology related courses in middle vocational school, such as "Electrician Fundamental", "Electrotechnics" and "Electronic technology", have a common characteristic that they all requires hands-on practice of students. To this end, the lab is an important method, which could help the student get deeper understanding of the knowledge learnt from the text book, increase their level of interests to learn as well as develop their hands-on skill. However, the advance of lab-based teaching technique as well as the resulted education quality is largely hindered by the out-of-date lab equipments and experiment methodology commonly found in the electronic technology labs of today's schools. Therefore, it is a must to innovate the traditional lab-based teaching methodology.The so-called Virtual Instrument technology is one of the solutions to this issue. Virtual Instrument is a PC-based system, which uses software modules running on the PC to implement many specialized functionality of traditional non-PC based instruments. Its function and look-and-feel are similar to those traditional non-PC based instruments. However, it is much more intelligent and more powerful than traditional instruments.This thesis paper first gives an introduction of the current status of the electronic lab instruments found in middle vocational schools and draws the importance of the research of this thesis. It then describes the overall hardware architecture of the Virtual Instrument and the corresponding software development framework, Labview, for Virtual Instrument. In next, a U18 multi-functional data capture card based modularized virtual oscillograph solution is proposed. Modularized virtual oscillograph solution is studied and developed in detail,which is fit for the diccratcterics for vocational teaching. The detailed design of each modules are further elaborated, including the data capture model, data processing module, wave form storage and playback module, waveform display control module, etc. Finally, this paper illustrated the advantage by using the proposed virtual oscillograph in the electronics and electrician labs for middle vocational schools.
Keywords/Search Tags:Middle vocational education, Electronic technology, lab-based teaching, Virtual Instrument LabView, digital oscillograph
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