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Design And Implemention Of Configuration Interface Based On Embedded System Platform

Posted on:2012-06-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C L MaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178330338489696Subject:Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of embedded technology, the increasing number of intelligent embedded devices into our daily lives, numerous embedded applications for man-machine interface requirements are also increasing. An excellent embedded system have a good graphical user interface GUI, if the GUI system is not complete, it will cause inconvenience to the user's actions to limit its use. It can be said that GUI determine the performance of a system, which prompted us to study how to design and implement a better embedded system graphical user interface.In this thesis, A architecture of a embedded system was designed and implemented through separated configuration files which was stored in memory, to configure the interface and the related operations,using the form control and reference signal-slot conception, including all information such as the interface screen display and operation of keypad, remote control or touch-trigger. When the system was running, the configuration file from the memory was simply readed and words were analyzed one by one.The control architecture was designed, and the contents and specific format of every part of the configuration file were discussed in detail in this thesis. A GUI control library was designed and implemented to achieve a better GUI core module of the embedded system.As controls can be repeatedly used, the utilization of code can be greatly increased, and the GUI can be modifed easily by changing the corresponding parameter in the configuration file, so the GUI is a configurable GUI which reached the basic requirements of embedded GUI, such as light, less resource, high performance, high reliability, be configured. As a result this architecture suited a variety of embedded devices with well availability and flexibility.
Keywords/Search Tags:Embedded system, μC/OS-Ⅱ, control, configurable GUI
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