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Design And Implementation Of Vehicle Management System For Army

Posted on:2012-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178330335450076Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present, with the accelerated pace of army building the equipments of army keep updating continuously, consequently, the requirements of optimizing the management of army equipments are put on the agenda and it is more and more important to strengthen informational building of army equipments. One outstanding problem with representation which should take our attention to is army vehicles'management, because we must guarantee provision timely, dispatching accurately and supervising evidence based, only in this way we can play a part in ensuring the transportation of army. Therefore, it becomes very important to improve informational of vehicle of army. The distinguishing features of management of army's vehicle are large quantities, flexible operation location and extendable business requirements.Modern technologies keep a high speed improving, and informational and communicational technologies'revolution day by day so that all of those are changing people's life style, further more, those are also bring much opportunities and challenges to the vehicle management of army. With the opportunities and challenges we must do our best to improve our management in army vehicle taking advantage of the information technologies so that we can enhance the ability of transportation guarantee of army and meet the tendency of army modernization.We can draw a conclusion that we should establish informational management system for army vehicle using modern technologies. This article presents our solution to above problems, and we use B/S pattern to meet flexible operation location, J2EE layer standard to meet the none coupling, relationship DB to meet large quantities of vehicle and DI pattern to meet extendable business requirements.Particularly, we select SQL SERVER 2000 to play a part in our DB design. We design our table according to actual demand and three paradigm of relationship DBMS so that we can reduce the redundancy of data and keep completeness of data after save, delete, update and check. We present the detail of these designs.After getting data tables, we design the persistence layer of our system. This layer is responsible to transport the data objects up or down. In details, this layer does not only receive the data object from upper layer and deconstructs it for updating in DB tables but also receive the data from lower layer to package into data objects and transport it to upper layer. In the design of this layer, we use Hibernate, an ORM tool, to establish the function. This article present the design and the operation of this layer detailed, and this can benefit to extract the SQL sentences from business logic layer.After getting persistence layer, we design business layer. In this layer, we use DI pattern to reduce the coupling between different modules when they call each other. The principle of DI is writing the call relationships into a configuration file, and the application loading this file when it starting. When the call happening the container instantiate the relevant business object according configuration file, and this is called dependency injection. In this way, we can load objects in running time so that we can reduce the cost of system and make changing the business more convenient.After getting business layer, we design presentation layer. We present this layer briefly. We use Struts tag to control the page flow. Page flow calls business logic by POJO up or down. WEB server is Apache. All of above can meet the requirements.According above principle, we design and implement a vehicle management system, and we deploy the system into our unit. The system can fulfill most of assistant work of daily management of our vehicle. The system is in the operating and testing phase.In the future, we will do more work on flexible business logic functions according to the constantly emerging requirements, and explore in security function of our application system. Further more, we will distinguish each kind of role in our user assemble so that we can enhance the security of our system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Vehicle, management, B/S, DI, J2EE
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