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An Analysis Of The Decorative Factors In Eduardo Vyal 's Oil Paintings

Posted on:2016-06-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330470453593Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Development of Western painting, along with the changing times and alternatematerial replacement, decorative arts in people’s lives has maintained a closeassociation of decorative arts at the earliest Stone Age ancient times it had alreadybegun in the visible decorative existence and objective material conditions and novery close ties. It is more likely to express a human emotion aesthetic. In the late19thcentury, with the development of technology, the emergence of photography, artistsbegan painting again recognize the nature of the problem, along with such thinking,requiring people to the inner world of the arts reaction is gradually deepening, startingfrom the point of view of art truthfully main objective depiction, description of theconversion to pay more attention to the artist’s own subjectivity and picture decorativeneeds. This paper focuses on Nabis painter Eduardo Vial painting decorative elements,trying to find out the performance of individual artists in the emotional aspects ofpainting symbols provide a meaningful reference for the future of art.
Keywords/Search Tags:decoration of painting, language, nabis
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