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Terraced Fields In The West

Posted on:2015-11-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper explores the coexist of the three models for the inheritance of hukou’sqingyang opera—“pure culture place”“commercial folk place” and“state-led development mode” to discusses how qingyang opera survives and inheritsin a complex “comprehensive musical space” made by the visible and invisible spaceconstructed by music behavior, music style and music meaning throuth the efforts ofqingyang artists. Qingyang opera is one of the factors to construct the localsocial relations. Those symbolic performance behaviors affect the establishment ofvarious relations. This paper tries to describe the vocal performance forms and the thefolk custom activity process of fulong village, therefore to discuss from the dimensionof “comprehensive musical space” that as a main factor to integrate and construct“comprehensive musical space”, what qingyang artists’ efforts mean to thedevelopment of qingyang opera.
Keywords/Search Tags:comprehensive musical space, hukou qingyang oprera, folkmusic heritance
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