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Design And Implement Of Customer Information File In Agricultural Bank Of China

Posted on:2006-06-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2168360182457266Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
CIF( Customer Information File ) is one of the major electrification construction projects of Agricultural Bank of China during the period of the tenth five-year plan. As the existence of any financial products relies on the support of CIF, a subsystem of the Integrated System of Agricultural Bank of China, the fundamental position of CIF is unshakable. As a result, the design of the structure of CIF affects directly the structural adjustment of the Integrated System of Agricultural Bank of China. It can be said that whether CIF is well constructed or not has direct connection with the future development of the Integrated System of Agricultural Bank of China. This dissertation chooses CIF as the research object, and takes resolving practical problems in the application of customer information as the aim of this research. This dissertation analyzes the demand of the system at the beginning; then discusses in detail the design of the structure of the system, the design and application of the database, and the design of the interfaces; and then expounds mainly the practical problems during application and transference of data. Using the basic theories in software engineering as the study methods, the article elaborates the process of the research, development, and realization of the system, analyzes earnestly the problems that are hard to be solved within the process, and gives an emphasized argumentation of the key technologies that can be adopted to solve these problems. In the part of demand analysis, starting from analyzing real demand, the dissertation proceeds with the application functional demand of the application system with the help of the financial business treatment models of the production system. Then the article summarizes the characters of the data involved in the program of application and management of customer information, thus getting the scientific criteria for classification of customer information data. According to the criteria customer information data can be divided into three categories: single-attribute information, multi-attribute information, and relational information. On the premise of this criteria, the article classifies specifically various kinds of customer information, and analyze in detail the concrete information required by the corresponding customer information according to the results of the classification. As a result, the basic constituent of various kinds of information is confirmed; the basic concern target of CIF is established in terms of demand. After analyzing the characters of the data of CIF, thedissertation makes a functional demand analysis of the trades of CIF, and set up the specific functions of the trades of CIF. In the part of the design of the systematic structure of CIF, the dissertation discusses the position CIF occupies in the whole application system of Agricultural Bank of China at first, then summarizes and designs the general structure that should be adopted by the system through analyzing the current status of the networks and application systems of Agricultural Bank of China, with the consideration of the characters of the data of customer information, and many other factors like response performance, pressure alleviation, etc. of the system. The article settles that the general structure adopt centralized-distribution model to conduct data processing; analyze with emphasis the difficult problems of data synchronization in the realization of the general structure; establishes the data synchronous processing pattern with the combination of on-line synchronous processing and batch synchronous processing; analyzes and designs in detail the technologies in the synchronous process with the consideration of the future characters and operational environment of the system. In the end of this part, the article makes an extension analysis on the framework of the general system. On the basis of taking full advantage of the characters of the generalstructure model, and the characters of the two special systems of on-line banks and non-data centralized branches, the article brings forward the solutions to the construction of the extension customer information system in accordance with the two special demands. In the part of the designing of the data base, the paper divides the data base list into three categories (single-attribute information, multi-attribute information, and relational information) according to the demand of actual data characters, taking advantage of the data traits gained in the part of demand analysis. On the basis of the information content concerned by the three categories of customer information, this article makes a detailed design of the various database lists separately. In the part of application design, the dissertation discusses mainly the design of the independent functions of CIF. Starting from the prototype of financial business of CIF, it analyzes primarily the characters and flows of customer information data, makes a specific design of CIF's independent functions, and makes out detailed flow and solutions of the design of representative functions. Afterwards, the author expounds the customer information processing interfaces presented by CIF for other account subsystems. On the basis of a brief introduction to the concrete characters of the interfaces in the forms ofcommonly used character strings, ISO 8583, as well as XML, the author discusses the efficiency and speediness of character string processing and the agility and expansibility of XML processing. In light of the actual demand of the system, the necessity and feasibility of the design of interfaces in combined forms of character string and XML are disserted. In the part of data transference, the author points out the difficulties in customer information transplant, brings forward the response plan and the algorithm to resolve these difficulties. Taking into consideration that the amount of the data on customer information is very great, and that the time permitted for shutout of banks during transplantation is quite limited; the system adopts the plan of transplanting data in several stages, that is, on certain day before the data is officially transplanted, the deposit data till that day will be picked up, processed, and transplanted. Therefore, on the day when the data is due to be officially transplanted, only the increment data will be transplanted. This plan alleviates effectively the pressure of time on the system, so that the conflict between time and work volume is mitigated to a large extent. It has been proved by the practice that the plan that the data are transplanted in different stages in terms of deposit and increment. In addition, as the two group ratios to algorithm can notsatisfy the demand of time, the dissertation gives elaborate description and discussion of the modification of the algorithm, puts forward the idea of processing with split and parallel model, which can improve the efficiency of algorithm implementation, and reduce the time needed to transplant data. The results are really remarkable. The research of the s plit and parallel algorithm takes the author lots of time and energy, while there is still room for improvement. So it needs to be perfected in practice. CIF has been operated in Agricultural Bank of China now. It fills up the blanks of Agricultural Bank of China in the field of customer information management. According to the survey on other commercial banks, this system is at least not laggard comparing with other systems in the same trade. At the same time, the construction of this system lays a solid data foundation for Agricultural Bank of China to build customer-relation-analysis system. Therefore, it will play a greater role in the development of the business management of Agricultural Bank of China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Agricultural
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