With the development of the network ,how to make good use of the distributed resources and process the distributed knowledge has been the new problem .Agent ,as a kind software characteristic with autonomous and intelligent ,is one of the effective methods to solve the problems above ,through cooperation and harmony.In the area of Artificial Intelligence(AI),people put forward Agent not only for their realized that the results in all the study area about AI should be integrated into a intelligent system ,such as the traditional "Expert System" ,but also ,in the most important ,for that they have realized the social essence of human intelligence .The most important intelligence of human is social intelligence ,which embody in the activity of human ,such as :cooperation ,competition ,negotiation and so on .The study of social intelligence has made the study of agent and multi-agent system become the ideal object .In current ,the study of agent and multi-agent system have appealed the attention of scientists and engineers .It is one of the updating area of computer technology, information engineering ,network and communication.In this paper ,through the research of the mental model of agent and the analyses of a few kinds of "Belief-Desire-Intention" (BDI) model of agent from the logical view ,we explain the agent theoretically .On the base of analyzing the organ structure of agent ,we put forward the kernel agent concept .the kernel concept abstracted from common properties of agent, contribute to construct agent and multi-agent system .we have also studied the KQML(Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language) and communication mechanism of agent ,and bring forth the ontology researching will become the emphasis in construction of abstract knowledge exchanging between the agents .At last ,we construct a multi-agent system ,which exchange KQML message by a mobile agent ,by the development tools of agelt and jkqml.On the base of present distributed computing technologies, focusing on the agent-based distribution computation, through a concrete agent-based distributed computation example, we discuss the agent based system theoretically and practically.