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Study On Jiangbei Tidu From 1905 To 1911

Posted on:2011-06-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360305461919Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Jiangbei Tidu(1905-1911) was set up by the Central Government as the supreme military officer administering Jiangbei distinct in late Qing Dynasty. It was viewed as a compromise when the Caoyun Governor and Jianghuai Governor were abolished and then replaced them. At the same time, Jiangbei Tidu inherited the authorities of the former two, which not only made Jiangbei Tidu share the power partly of Jiangnan Tidu who originally took charge of Jiangsu province independently, but also had the authority to recommend and impeach the civilian officials particularly those in charge of canal affairs in the northern of the Yangtze River because of the authority of control the civilian and the military officers. However, the most fundamental difference between Jiangbei Tidu and other officers was that it had the right to manage the new deals in Jiangbei Distinct. When the officers of Jiangbei Tidu took office, they carried out many reforms in training new troops, improving policing, setting up new schools and clarifying the finance which were all beyond the traditional politics. These new reforms promoted strongly the modernization process of Jiangbei District. With its military identity, the Jiangbei Tidu's contribution to the new deal may be seen as the unique existence in the environment of most local governors taking charge of the new reforms in the late Qing Dynasty.Although Jiangbei Tidu spared no effort to the political, economic and military developments of Jiangbei distinct, it seemed not change the situation that the local officers' vague exclusions to them. Fortunately, the Liangjiang Governor, who was Jiangbei Tidu's supervisor, maintained the same on the surface of many issues because both of them had deep relationships with Yuan Shikai Group. And the new deal in Jiangbei distinct could be carried out smoothly because of their support. However, the implementation of the new deal was not impeccable. The factors such as the frequent replacement of the officers of Jiangbei Tidu, the reorganization of the central government and the funding difficulties all made the new deal a lot of regret in the implementation process. However, these deficiencies could not obliterate the efforts what Jiangbei Tidu had done to the modernization of Jiangbei distinct.
Keywords/Search Tags:the late Qing Dynasty, Jiangbei distinc, Tidu, new deal, modernization
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