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The Construct And Ideological Analysis Of Female Image In Mainstream Movies

Posted on:2008-08-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LvFull Text:PDF
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Medium is a kind of tool of ideology .As a powerful social informative system, it is the carrier of specific ideology and culture standpoint .In any kid of society ,there is a close relationship between the medium and the authority. The person who wants to use medium as some kind of tool is intentioned to guard the authority .Mass medium is the means and the tool which is used to construct the ideology that meets the need of authorityMovie, as a kind of mass medium ,is also the tool of ideology .When people's Republic of China was founded ,the nonsexual female characters of "mainstream movies" is the example under the Mao Zedong's thoughts about Literary and artistic creation ,the construction of revolutionary film and the system in which the party control the film's creation ,film of this period are full of female character's whose sexual characteristics are replaced by social class features .The female characters in the "mainstream movies" can be divided into three types : revolutionary heroine ,competent girls who devoted themselves into the construction of socialism , mothers full of resistance and devotion ,This kind of narration of female characters is in the encoding system and political rhetoric system .The female's sexual conscience is replaced by the state's ideology and patriarchy .The expressions , such as "there is no difference between men and women " ,"women and girls are much like to be soldiers than to be ladies ".clear up the difference between men and women , deny the social position of female ,When females go into the spiral of silence ,the standard of male became the sole, absolutenorm.
Keywords/Search Tags:mainstream movies, female image, construct, ideological analysis
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