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On The Culture Building In The Development Of Old Industrial Base Of The Northeast

Posted on:2005-07-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360185964195Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Culture, which is an important component of our society, the ideological impetus, intellectual support and ideological guarantee for the economic development, plays an important role in the development of old industrial base of the Northeast. To study the position and concrete functions of culture in the development of old industrial base of the Northeast, explore requirements and content of culture to develop old industrial base of the Northeast, and seek for ways and methods of culture building, have an important theory and practice meaning to build culture which meets the law of socialism market-oriented economy, accords with the demands of era, and have local characteristics, promote adjustments and reformations of old industrial base of the Northeast, and quicken it's steps of development.Combined with the historical background and human characteristics of the Northeast, and proceeding from the great background of building the well-off society in all-round way and developing old industrial base of the Northeast, this thesis attempts to investigate the theory of culture building in the development of old industrial base of the Northeast further. The thesis totally consists of three parts. Proceeding from the relation between culture and economy, and requirements of development of old industrial base of the Northeast, through summarizing domestic and international historical experiences, according to the Marxism theory, the first part is to demonstrate that culture building plays an important role and has lots of functions in the development of old industrial base of the Northeast. The second part, combined with practical problems in the development of old industrial base of the Northeast, points out the content ,of culture with region characteristics, according with the characteristics of the time, favorable to the development of old industrial base of the Northeast. Namely, it is to strengthen the theoretical research and innovation, to cultivate and develop the spirit of starting enterprises, to establish the new moral idea, to develop educational and scientific undertaking according to demands of the...
Keywords/Search Tags:Culture, Culture building, Development of old industrial base of the Northeast
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