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Research On Nvchen's Distribution And Administrative System In Korea Peninsula In Yuan Dynasty

Posted on:2006-04-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ShenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360155454558Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Nvchen was one of the ancient ethnic minorities living in border area of the Northeast of China, In rising, developing and strengthening, a large number of Nvchen began to move into and distribute in the northern territory of Korea Peninsula since the beginning of the 10th century. So the Nvchen had have a long inhabiting history in Korea Peninsula when Yuan Dynasty was set up in 13th century.During the initial stage of 10th century, when Chinese northern imperial Liao set up, the regions of Pyongyang in Korea Peninsula, the area of downstream of Datong River, was the place where Nvchen visited and hunted. During the period of Liao, the region from Pyongyang to Tieling, including Datong River basin , Qingchuan River basin to Yalu River basin, from east coastal to the GaoLi Great Wall's eastern section, and the Helan area which is in the northeast of the Great Wall, all these area is equivalent to the whole north part of Korea Peninsula today, where was the place for Nvchen lived in and distributed. In addition, the Nvchen under GaoLi regime still scatterd and located in everywhere of south area where is quite equivalent to the territory of South Korea, the south part of Korea Peninsula up at the present.During the period of Jin Dynasty, Nvchen distribution in Korea Peninsula, compared with Liao Dynasty, did not change in aspect of distributing area. It was the way that govern Nvchen and Nvchen's real size of population that changed in Jin Dynasty. The northeast area of Korea Peninsula included Helan area that Nvchen lived was under the control of Helan Road, Shangjing Road, this means that Jin regime is tight than Liao. In the period of Jin Dynasty, Baozhou founded by Liao at the south of Yalu River basin was vouchsafed to Gaoli, so this place anda number of Nvchen entered Gaoli, ruled by Gaoli regime from then on. In addition, during the phase of Dongxia there were also some Nvchen entered and distributed in Korea Peninsula. All this had certain function in changing the quantity of Nvchen who distributed in Korea Peninsula in Jin Dynasty.During the period of Yuan Dynasty, Nvchen that Yuan government administered at Korea Peninsula, inherited the distribution area in Liao and Jin period on the whole. Nvchen who lived in this area and in the whole Chinese northeast area together, formed the Nvchen's main part in Yuan Dynasty. In Northeast Korea Peninsula, from the north part of Tieling, where lies in the middle part in JiangYuan today, to the south part of Tumen River basin, Nvchen governed by Yuan government directly were living in the following areas, i.e. Helan, Sanhaiyang, Shuangcheng, Sansa, Dingzhou, Asha, Dengzhou, Tuluwu, Jiashan including Sanshui, Yulonger, Hongken, Kongzhou, Chouzhou, Duowenping etc. all these places had a long history of Nvchen's distribution, and now were administered by Yuan; In the northwestern part of Korea Peninsula, the area from the south part of the low basin of Yalu River to the DaTong River basin, boarded on the south part of Liaoyang Province in Yuan, During the period of GaoLi Emperor Cheng Zong, XuXi was sent to attack Nvchen and he built towns in these area, so Nvchen distributing areas had been reduced to some extent in Yuan Dynasty, The places such as Yizhou including Shuozhou, Jingzhou, and Dingyuan and its surrounding parts, were Nvchen-concentrated communities. In the other place, for example, Doumuli, LinTu, Bituan, and Nicheng where Nvchen lived in, Gaoli force did not reach it until the end of Gaoli. The range from the north of CiBei mountain, including the midstream and downstream area of DaTong river, centered with Xijing in Yuan Dynasty, though main residents in this area were Gaoli people, including some Nvchen who scattered and lived here.
Keywords/Search Tags:Administrative
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