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On How To Implement The Human-oriented Idea In Encouragement

Posted on:2006-01-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F S LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360155454279Subject:Administrative Management
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As the essence and cores of the science development view, the human-oriented idea is extensive concerned by the whole society. The fulfillment of management also makes people know the person's importance gradually, and promote actively in the fulfillment with the management of the human-oriented idea. Encouragement should insist and implement the human-oriented idea through as a kind of management function and management behavior. Sticking to Marxist viewpoint, the thesis opens out the affluent connotation of the human-oriented idea, and points out the necessity to implement it through in encouragement. On this foundation, we expect to improve the present condition and heighten the efficiency and strengthen the result. The thesis consists of four parts: The first part mainly discusses on the human-oriented idea. The human-oriented idea flows so long that we can trace it back to the idea of priority of the people in Chinese ancient times and western and modern current of humanism thought. The idea of priority of the people reflected a certain degree examines to people's sufferance and the cognition of people's power by the ancients. The current of humanism thought uplifted person's meaning and value. Because of the history and ranks limit, there is a basic differentiation between they and the human-oriented idea we put forward of. The Marxism viewpoint concerning person is the foundation that we comprehend the human-oriented idea. According to the hypostatic understanding to person of Marxism, the human-oriented idea consists of the following four dimensions: The first, seeing the person to be the person. The second, seeing the person to be developing. The third, seeing the person equal. The fourth, seeing the person independent. According to the corpus thought of person of the Marxist, the human-oriented idea should insist: The first, taking people as premise. The second, taking people as foundation. The third, taking people as motive. The fourth, taking people as purpose. According to people's overall development theories of the Marxist, the human-oriented idea will attain: The first, setting out from the person to research and satisfy person's demand. The second, not only regarding the person as the means but also the purpose. The third, paying attention to the person's characteristic development. The fourth, the human-oriented idea can't limit only at inner organization, and it should expand to the exterior organization, to give more concern to the social responsibility of organizations, thus then we can finally realize persons' overall and free development in the whole society. The basic meaning of the human-oriented idea is "taking the people as center, everything for the sake of person, everything depends on the person. In management, the human-oriented idea one by one pays attention to the person's development inside organization, the person and organization's synchronous development, the person's development outside organization, and so it finally realizes the cross from the introverted organization to outside and carry out the whole social person overall and synchronous development. The second part talks about the theories of encouragement. Firstly, the thesis defines the encouragement and encouragement mechanism. Then the thesis talks the theories of encouragement in the west and Marxism: The west encouragement theories can be divided into content theory and process theory. Content theory includes hierarchy of needs theory, motivation-hygiene theory, ERG theory and theory of needs. Process theory includes reinforcement theory, equity theory, expectancy theory and goal-setting theory. The Marxism theories of encouragement mainly have the following aspects: (1) the incentive point of departure is to satisfy the person's proper demand. (2)The main mission of encouragement is to adjust the aggressive of the person. (3)The ultimate target of encouragement is the person's ego realization. The main introduction of the third part is the reason that we hold the human-oriented idea in encouragement. It mainly has four aspects: The first, the result of continuously and deeply understanding to the person. The understanding of person in different ages and different society comes to a decision of the management means and encouragement thought. The understanding of Marxism to person is the sill that we insist the human-oriented idea. The second, the objective demand of change from traditional personal management to the modern human resource management. The traditional personal management looks the person as cost, thinks much of matter than person and claps eyes on the thing but the person. The modern human resource management thinks much of human resources, takes the person as center. The third, the inside request of carrying out valid encouragement. The substance of encouragement is to guide the behavior of the person by affecting their need and motives. Because the person is complicated, in order to carry out encouragement effectively, we should establish the encouragement factor and project around the person. The fourth, the actuality call of the encouragement fulfillment in our country. From experience of the encouragement fulfillment in our country, encouragement should be set out from need of person and adjust in time along with person's continuously change demand. The fourth part of the thesis mainly study how to implement the...
Keywords/Search Tags:Human-oriented
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