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The Study Of Modern Chinese (V+O1)+O2 Structure

Posted on:2011-03-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G C MeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330338975093Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Modern Chinese "(V+O1)+O2" structure since the eighties the twentieth century has been caused concern linguists have gradually been recognized that some "(V+O1)+O2" structure has been income to the dictionary. But now the structure of language scholars are still some limitations, expressed in the structure of research has focused on the structure of the source of the rationality of the existence and the structure of several aspects of the pragmatic value, while "(V+O1)+O2"in the grammar of the whole system is rare.Comprehensive use of induction, analysis, description of methods of modern Chinese "(V+O1)+O2" structure from the grammar, semantics, and specification and other aspects of comprehensive, specific and in-depth study of. The following conclusions:Syllable structure from the point of view, the structure of "2 +2", "2 +3", "2 +4", "2 + over" several syllable structure model, where the "2 +2" structure model as syllable structure and tidy symmetrical harmony, so popular and most widespread, received the highest recognition.From the perspective of valence, "(V+O1)+O2" true bivalent structure, quasi-trivalent, trivalent true number of categories, including real divalent largest and most true bivalent verb Verb is a transformation from the quasi-bivalent years.From the perspective of grammar, "(V+O1)+O2" structure components O1 can be a noun, verb or adjective component elements, of which O1 is the noun most. O2 can be a variety of ingredients to serve, including nouns, numerals, verbs, personal pronouns, as well as many types of phrases. But the noun or noun phrase is the most common."(V+O1)+O2" structure can act as a variety of sentence elements, including subject, predicate, object, attribute, etc., which act as a predicate to the most common.From the semantic perspective, the "(V+O1)+O2" structure exists between the various components of a variety of semantic relationships. Including V and the semantic relationship between O1; (V + O1) and the semantic relationship between O2 and O1 and O2 between the semantic relationships.From the pragmatic value in terms of "(V+O1)+O2" symmetrical structure of syllable structure, semantic information focus on the obvious, simple and concise syntax form, a rich Chinese synonymous expression, to convey the implication more advantages.In the "(V+O1)+O2" structure of norms, we should follow the established principle, can not be generated for all the new "(V+O1)+O2" Diplomatic Truce denial.
Keywords/Search Tags:(V+O1)+O2 structure, object, semantic relation
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