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Vocal Music Teaching Aesthetic Ability

Posted on:2011-11-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhengFull Text:PDF
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In the world of music, vocal can be said that the earliest human society, the birth of art for thousands of years people developed a vocal only the creation of artistic beauty, but also appreciate the vocal beauty of art provides a vast world. Vocal arts education is part of aesthetic education and vocal education should by all means of education to achieve their purpose of aesthetic education. In vocal music teaching students the aesthetic sense, require long-term careful teaching process, so vocal music teachers must be teaching thinking clearly, teaching correct concepts, teaching clear thinking, teaching targeting, but also mastery of teaching skills and teaching knowledge, understanding education, psychology and other disciplines of knowledge and theory, as the aesthetic aspects of vocal music teacher should have a high aesthetic ideal, healthy aesthetic concepts and aesthetic taste, is rich in music, association, imagination and good understanding, evaluation capacity, need teachers and students input, continuous practice, creating a new generation able to sing the performance of artistic beauty, but also proficient in vocal aesthetic laws vocal music talent.Vocal activity was created-works-concert-an aesthetic appreciation of the process. Vocal communication and development are achieved through the vocal music teaching, but the core of vocal music teaching students the aesthetic ability. In this paper, an overview of vocal aesthetic, vocal aesthetic form, ability to train students in aesthetic ways, meaning four-part vocal aesthetic described how the vocal music teaching students the aesthetic ability.Through the vocal aesthetic education can improve the quality of students, to promote harmonious and healthy physical and mental growth, individual freedom and harmonious development and perfection of personality, but also develop students ability to identify and establish the right aesthetic. Students learn vocal lay a good while on the aesthetic sense and aesthetic ability, and through beautiful singing, great emotion to convey beauty through aesthetic education will inspire students a good mood, so the students thinking more active, more focused attention, emotional and full high, and learning positive and ultimately improve teaching efficiency. Through this research, concluded that only focus on the aesthetic ability students in order to reflect the value of teaching vocal music, can be successfully achieved the purpose of instruction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Vocal music, music teaching, vocal aesthetic, Aesthetic Ability
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