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Study On The Anti-influenza Drug Ganluxiaodu Capsule

Posted on:2011-05-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2154330338481820Subject:Drug analysis
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Rheum is a common disease caused by external factors, such as wind evil, whose symptom are snuffle, sneezing, headache, fever, unwell at every pore. Cold caused by heat and dampness is different from common cold and is hard to cure. Ganluxiaodu dan, first r ecorded in volume 1, w as cr eated by Ye T ianshi. Ganluxiaodu Dan has the function of eliminating dampness, clearing away heat and toxic material, t herefore i t can b e us ed to cure s uch s ymptom as summer heat-dampness. I n o rder to i mprove t he t raditional G anluxiaodu D an t o m odern Chinese medicine,systematic research has been carried out by pharmacodynamics and toxicological methods,as w ell as qua lity a nalysis an d modern e xtraction a nd purification technology.This paper studied the extraction and purification technology, using the transfer rate of phillyrin and extracting ratio a s t he e valuating indexes, w e investigated the optimum ethanol extraction process by t he orthogonal test method; using the transfer rate of baicalin, the yield of volatile oil and extracting ratio as evaluating indexes, we optimized the o ptimum w ater ex traction a nd alcohol pr ecipitation pr ocess by t he orthogonal test and the single factor methods. In the preparation study withβ-cyclodextrin inclusion volatile oil we ensured the stability of capsule, and also studied the optimum preparation process.We established the quality standard of Ganluxiaodu Capsule including qualitative identification an d quantitative de termination. Fructus A momi Fotundus, R hizoma Acori Tatarinowii, Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae,Fructus Forsythiae were qualitatively analyzed by TLC, Baicalin was quantitatively measured by HPLC. Other inspections such as the water, collapse, heavy metals, arsenic were also detected. This method is accurate and hi ghly r eproducible. It can be used for the quality control of Ganluxiaodu Capsule.The models t hat ear s welling induced by xylene and abdominal c avity capillary permeabilitly increase i nduced b y a cetic a cid in mice were us ed to observe a nti- inflamrnatory of Ganluxiaodu Capsule. The pain models were established by acetic acid and hot plate in mice were used to observe the analgetic effects. Antipyretic action was surveyed by endotoxin-induced fever and dry yeast induced fever in rats. Anti-viral effects were investigated b y A/PR8/34 influenza vi rus. The r esults s howed t hat t he c apsule has obvious anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic, anti-viral effects, and the capsule with the same dose was as effective as Ganluxiaodu Dan.The study of Ganluxiaodu Capsule shows that the preparation process was reasonable and practicable, the qua lity standard w as a ccurate a nd hi ghly r eproducible, Pharmacological effect was obvious. Ganluxiaodu Capsule meets the requirements of modern medicine.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ganluxiaodu Capsule, Preparation techniques, Quality standards, Pharmacological effects
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