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Warming Meridians To Activate Blood Clinical Study Of Treatment Of Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Posted on:2011-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2154330332968532Subject:TCM gynecology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Background research: Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease (CPID)is a common disease. Patients greatly suffer both mentally andphysically due to the recurrent and chronic nature of CPID. Currentmedicine mostly relies on antibiotics to treat this disease, but due tospecial pathological changes in CPID, i t i s d i fficult for the antibiotics toreach localized areas in the pelvis and work to the best of its abil i t i e s .Therefore, research into the prevention and treatment of this disease hascaught the attention of health workers worldwide.Purpose: To observe the clinical efficacy of herbal enematreatment on cold-damp-stagnation-type CPID, to observe the effect onhemorheology parameters, and to prel iminarily look into the mechanismof action of this treatment.Methods: Randomly split 61 cases of cold-damp stagnation-typeCPID patients into two groups: 31 patients in treatment group, whoreceived herbal retention enema treatment, and 30 patients in thecomparison group, who received metronidazole injections. Observebefore and after treatment parameters such as patient symptoms, physicalsigns, and hemorheology resul t s .Results: Treatment group and comparison group total clinicalefficacy rates were 96.77% and 66.67% respectively; TCM syndrome totalefficacy rates were 96.77% and 73.33%. There was significantdifference when the treatment group was compared with the comparisongroup (P<0.05). Alleviation of main symptoms and physical signs in thetreatment group was signif icantly better than in the comparison group(P<0.05). Blood viscosity was signif icantly improved after treatment inboth the treatment group and comparison group (P<0.05). However,patients in the treatment group showed a better lowering of high-shearblood viscosity, plasma viscosity, and fibrinogen than patients in the comparison group (P<0.05).Conclusion: Warming meridians to activate blood can effectivelytreat cold-damp-stagnation-type CPID and improve hemorheologyparameters and lower blood viscosity, thereby promoting the absorptionof localized inflammation in the pelvis. Herbal enema treatmentimproves patients'clinical symptoms and physical signs and is aneffective method for treating CPID.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Cold-damp-stagnation, Warming Meridians To Activate Blood, Hemorheology
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