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The Research Of The TCM Books Caved In Jiangsu And Zhejiang Provinces In The Qing Dynasty

Posted on:2009-04-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2144360248950500Subject:TCM History and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The main study of the thesis is about the books of TCM pressed in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces in the Qing Dynasty.The Thesis study it from different point: the number of the books,the quality of the books and the special books,and so on.To statistics the number of the books,the main work is to statistics the sum number of the books in the two provinces and statistic it separately.Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces caved the most books than the other provinces of the contry in the Qing Dynasty.Bookstores is the most important institution of Jiangsu.Both bookstores and Individuals are all important in Zhejiang province.According To the contents,the two provinces are looks like same.To the peried,the Qing Dynasty of Guangxu caved the most books.The analytical reason include two:one is an age problem,another is the policy problem.The books caved by the officers are comparatively less.The total number of the two provinces is 44.The official institutions includes Guanshuju,Jiangnanzhizaoju,school and monastery,and so on.I talk a lot about the Guangshuju,Jiangnanzhizaoju,school and monastery,and the books they caved.Bookstores is the uppermost in Jiangzhe,and it caved the most books than the other institutions.Collections of the bookstores in Jiangsu are 147,and Zhejiang 58.There are many great bookstores in Jiangshu province,but is not in Zhejiang.The great bookstores include:Saoyeshanfang,Lvyintang,and so on.The books caved by the private is the second important in Jiangsu,but it is the first in Zhejiang.The summary characteristics of private caved books are three:One, much engrave to originally or only engrave an origin for the beginning,and a lot of them is already the only one,very precious;Two,the expert give hand-written on the books which makes it very pretty;Three,the privats work excellently,check carefully,so the books caved by the privats rarely have mistakes.Discussion parts mainly involves both sides contents:first,The books caved in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces in the Qing Dynasty improved greatly the broad spreading of medical knowledge.It mainly include three points of contentes:improve Wen Bing to development,reflect clinical medical branch development clearly in the Qing Dynasty,help the medical education in the Qing Dynasty.Second,the books caved by the two provinces have the high value of literature,it include two aspects:they saved a lot of important literature and provide the same books caved by different institutions.They will benefit us forever.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Qing Dynasty, Zhejiang and Jiangsu, Cave, TCM Books
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