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An Elementary Trial Research For Small Bowel Anastomosis In A Rabbit Model By Using Titanium Clip

Posted on:2006-01-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y ChenFull Text:PDF
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There are several methods for anastomosis of alimentary tract, such as suture, surgical stapler , laser welding , adhesive. But for laparoscopic surgery of alimentary tract, we only can use endoscopic surgical stapler to do anastomosis of alimentary tract, except by hand-assistant suture. And we know it is expensive to do surgery by endoscopic surgical stapler for nastomosis of alimentary tract, so it can not apply widely. And we try to find a new method to resolve the problem. Using titanium clip for small bowel anastomosis in a rabbit model may be safe and useful. Through our study, we hope to make a conclusion to the feasibility, the security and the reliability of small bowel anastomosis in a rabbit model by using titanium clip.Material and Methods Study objects45 healthy Zelanian habbits, avoirdupois from 1.8kg to 2.3 kg, fromlaboratorial animals center, zhejiang university school of medicine. Study groupsThrough randomized controlled method, study objects divide into laboratorial group, in which there are 30 habbits, and controlled group, in which there are 15 habbits. Study way1. fasting for 24 hours before surgery, then general anaesthesia by mainline of thiopental at 30mg / kg.2. location in small bowel 20cm far from caecum, then transaction the bowel for anastomosis.3. using titanium clip for anastomosis in laboratorial group, suture for anastomosis in controlled group.4. after 3 days, one week, two weeks of the operation, then observe the anastomosis concrescence, and measure the inner perimeter of anastomosis margin, the inner perimeter ratio, the demolish pressure.Statistical analysisAll data was processed with SPSS 11.5 software bag in personal computer. Values were expressed as mean ±SD. All qualitative data was checked by Chi-Square test and quantitative data was checked by ANOVA test.Result and Discussion1. accomplishing time for anastomosis in laboratorial group (7±lmin) was shorter than in controlled group (10±2min), (t=6.463, P<0.01) .2. anastomosis leakage ratio in laboratorial group was 13.33%, and in controlled group was 6.67%.3. the demolish pressure in anastomosis margin, after 3 days, one week, two weeks of the operation, were 47±8mmHg, 52±4mmHg, 53±5 mmHg in laboratorial group, and in controlled group were 41±4mmHg, 49±5mmHg, 45±3mmHg. Compare with the demolish pressure after two weeks in controlled group, the demolish pressure in laboratorial group was higher( t =3.111 , P <0.05). we think it can achieve the clinical requirement.4. the inner perimeter of anastomosis margin, after 3 days, one week, two weeks of the operation, were 22.1 ±3.2mm, 22.0±2.1mm, 21.5±0.9mm in laboratorial group, and in controlled group were 20.8±1.7mm, 23.7±3.1mm, 22.3±2.4mm. Compare with the inner perimeter of anastomosis margin in controlled group, the inner perimeter of anastomosis margin in laboratorial group seemed narrow, but no statistics difference (P >0.05).5. the ratio between the inner perimeter of anastomosis margin and thatof adjacent small bowel, after 3 days, one week, two weeks of the operation, were 0.71 ±0.07, 0.73±0.08, 0.69±0.04 in laboratorial group, and in controlled group were 0.83±0.03, 0.84±0.04, 0.82±0.03. Compare with the ratio between the inner perimeter of anastomosis margin and that of adjacent small bowel in controlled group, that in laboratorial group seemed smaller with remarkable statistics difference (P<0.05).Conclusion1. Using titanium clip for small bowel anastomosis in a rabbit model may be safe and useful.2. the inner perimeter of anastomosis margin in laboratorial group is narrower than that in controlled group, which would make us to resolve the problem in next step.3. To evaluate the feasibility, the security and the reliability of smallbowel anastomosis in a rabbit model by using titanium clip, we think it affirmative. But it still is an elementary trial research, and needs more examples to prove.
Keywords/Search Tags:titanium clip, rabbit, anastomosis, small bowel
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