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The Residential Morphological Changes And Development Countermeasures Of Urban Village Under The Urban-rural Dualistic System

Posted on:2011-09-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132360308960293Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid economic development, Large and medium cities have a phenomenon of "urban village", such as in Shenzhen and Guangzhou the coastal area, the question of the urban village showed more seriously. The emergence of the problem were under the urban-rural dualistic system background, the urban-rural dualistic system decided to the land of the dual character, therefore, solving in the urban village for land ownership is the basic conditions. The issue of urban village have become a common concern in the government, the villager, and the academia, so the research of urban village have a great theoretical and practical significance.Urban village transformation is a complex project, involving a wide range of systems, dualistic system, construction, economic, environmental, social and demographic structure, and related to the many of the economic interests of the government developers, and villagers. At present, research and practice of the urban village transformation is still in the exploratory stage, a large number of issues to be resolved. After the urban villages have transformed, the living environment and residential morphological have changed. The new environment can or not meets the villager's requirement? For this reason, I will issue urban village transformation as a thesis research topic, and I hope the research provide valuable comments and suggestions in the future of the urban village transformation.In this paper, issues based on research at home and abroad, related to the urban village transformation of the residential morphological changes and problems, and putted forward countermeasures. An analysis on the basis of the urban village transformation in Xi'an, and proposed the principle of transformation, so that the research more in-depth and systematic. First, the paper studies the reasons for the formation of the urban village, and our reform mode of the urban village, and analyzed the influence of urban village to urban development; Second, the research mainly analyzed in five aspects:living forms, demographic composition, social interaction, environmental awareness and economic development by compared the before and after transformation of residential morphological changes. The summary of the existing problems and root causes after transformation, putted forward to the principle of the urban village transformation. Finally, I explain a example of the Jitai village transformation, to solve the problem and put forward the transformation countermeasures and recommendations.In conclusion, the author put forward some thoughts in the urban village transformation, and its development prospect. Meanwhile, urban village need to pay more attention during the transformation process, in order to provide a useful relevant experience for country's urban village transformation.
Keywords/Search Tags:urban village, transformation, residential morphological
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