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The Research On The Leisure Space Of The Official Area In Scienced Parks

Posted on:2007-08-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132360242962006Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
21st century is the century that the development of micro-electronics, computer science, modern communication, mechanotronics, modern biology, materials science, photoelectronics and etc. represent the major advances in science and technology. When the booming technology becomes the symbol of the age, it becomes globally quite popular to build science parks, whose developing now have been more and more socially focused on. A revolution of labor force frame work is going on in science parks, where manual and simple brain work are substituted by the force of machines and the computational power of computers. It is creativity instead of physical or mental force that measures the value of labor, and most of the industrial activities are research and development activities. The prevalence of computer and Internet, the great usage of mental force, as well as the always needed creativity which undoubtedly call for a matching architectural environment.What can architecture and building do in all these? What environment can best stimulate people in it to think effectively and creat continuously? What environment can make strangers communicate and get information needed in easiness? What can "leisure" offer to people?Base on the thinking on the above questions and the results from demestic and foreign relavent research, this paper makes an investigation into the leisure centers of research based scienced parkes, discussing their categories, space distribution as well as charateristcs and giving out tentatively the methodolgy of disigning and principle of assessing. Taking those theories conbined with view points from environmental psycology theory, field investigation on the development of the leisure centers of the software park of Wuhan Photoelectron Valley is studied to accomplish the deduction.To summarize, developing a favorable leisure space for science parks is important and a must for guiding the parks to develop towards effectiveness and health. It helps to promote researchers' satisfactory for working environment and their efficiency, and to faciliate in developing a good atomsphere and culture of the park.
Keywords/Search Tags:leisure space, informal communion, innovative air
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