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Practice Of Architectural Design

Posted on:2006-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D M LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132360182983658Subject:Architecture and Civil Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The author's accumulated projects throughout the years have become the casestudies for his dissertation.His first step was getting through the fast-developing Chinese architecturalmarket's research background. The dominant analytical idea involves thefluctuations of the commercial market. Also, since the birth of modern architecture,the development of the relationship between the arts and architectural envelope hasbeen an evolving process. In recent years, the attraction of outsiders to China hasbrought attention to Chinese tectonic theory as a subject for further exploration.Through phenomenological studies, one can probe into architectural construction'smost basic practical guidelines in dealing with outer envelope structure and itsrepresentation.The article stresses that the construction of envelope is defined by the material,but further affected by the collaboration with, and inspiration from, foreignarchitects. Frequently used materials were analyzed for construction, includingwood, stone, glass, and metal roofing, among others. These studies were based onthe qualities of the materials, and proposed utilizing appropriate artistic explorationsand innovative application methods to achieve the envelope's architectural concept.Finally, the author's emphasis is made on the architectural construction'spurpose to instruct, thus avoiding the design process's tendency to produceconstruction errors. In seeking to understand "the poetry's meaning", one mustconsider the method of construction, as well as how it affects our creative design.The goal of this didactic architecture is to make every architect's subconsciousaction include an analysis of how it is built.
Keywords/Search Tags:tatus quo, design experiment, tectonic, revivification, envelope
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