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A Study Of The Effect Of Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields On Spermatogenesis And Sperm Maturation In Mice And Its Mechanism

Posted on:2007-08-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2120360185461770Subject:Environmental Science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The possible effects of ELF EMFs on reproduction have been extensively studied over the past several decades. The data about these potential adverse effects of ELF EMFs are limited and were mainly focused on female. Few studies have been carried on male. In addition, there exist conflicting findings to consider the alteration of spermatogenesis and reproductive functions.The present study was carried on growing male mice to investigate the effect of 3.2 and 6.4 mT ELF EMFs (50 Hz) exposure on spermatogenesis and sperm maturation. The epididymical sperm vigor, succinate dehydrogqenase (SDH) and cytochromes c oxidase were detected. They are key enzyme of energy metabolism in mitochondria. P53 and DNA-PKcs expression as well as cell cycle and apoptosis of testis cells were tested.The results are as follows:1 The rate of epididymis weight to body weight increased by 36.4 % after 3.2 mT and 45.5 % after 6.4 mT ELF EMFs exposure. Compared to the control group, the paranecrosis rate of sperm in epididymis increased by 9.1 % (3.2 mT) and 14.7 % (6.4 mT), and the livability rate of sperm significantly decreased by 21.8 % (3.2 mT) and 28.7 % (6.4 mT). No apoptosis sperm were detected, and some of the sperm were in necrosis.2 After 3.2 mT and 6.4 mT ELF EMFs exposure, the activity of ATPase in epididymis significantly decreased by 92.03 % and 95.02 % respectively. The percentage of positive SDH expression in sperm mitochondrial decreased by 8.7 % and 15.3 %. The activity of CCO was affected after ELF EMFs exposure. The CCO activity in 3.2 mT group was 2 times that of the control group while CCO activity in 6.4 mT group was only 50 % that of the control group.3 The S-phase cell of testis increased by 7.1 % and 34.4 % and the cell cycle of testis was arrested at S phase. The apoptosis rate of testis cells slightly increased but there is no significant statistical difference.
Keywords/Search Tags:extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields, sperm vigor, energy metabolism, cell cycle, apoptosis, p53, DNA-PKcs
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