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Organization And Technology:A Study On The Collectivization Of Marine Fishery In Zhejiang In The 1950s

Posted on:2020-09-21Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J YeFull Text:PDF
GTID:1483306221953739Subject:Agriculture Economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Collectivization was an important theme in the development and evolution of grassroots society in China in the 1950 s.Countryside,farmer and agriculture were the core elements.Most previous studies also focused on these,which were not significantly different in types.Combining with the study of water society and fishermen in recent years,this thesis,based on the fishery archives from Zhejiang Provincial Archives and Wenzhou,Taizhou,Ningbo,Zhoushan Archives,explores the collectivization of marine fishery in Zhejiang from the perspectives of organization and technology.Organization reform was an important part of the collectivization of marine fishery.This thesis centers on the reform of aquatic product management organization and fishery production organization.The government set up fish market and reformed fish guild,thus transferring the aquatic product management right from individuals to the state after 1949.Then the government integrated and adjusted different state-owned organizations.Finally,the system of aquatic product supply and marketing company was formed,and the management mode of unified purchase and sell,guaranteed supply was founded.Through the classification and unification of class status during fishery reform,the government reconstructed the identity of fishermen effectively,which made it possible to treat fishermen differently.In the process of fishery cooperation,fishermen's membership reflected the gap between grassroots practice and policy regulation.Also,the price and ownership of production tools became an important topic.Thanks to efficient mobilization and organization,a lot of Zhejiang fishermen began to produce in Lvsi Fishery.However,the occurrence and subsequent evolution of Lvsi wind damage in the spring of 1959 refleceted the challenges confronting fishery production organization and fishermen's living conditions after communalization.Technology is of vital importance to marine fishery production,and technical issues cannot be ignored in the study of marine fishery collectivization.This thesis mainlydiscusses about Qiaogu,motorized sailboat and kelp culture.Qiaogu was a kind of traditional marine fishery production technology.It had developed rapidly with the support of local government and the combination of cooperatives since it spread to Wen-Tai coastal area in 1956.While Qiaogu fishing led to a high yield,it also caused various problems and contradictions soon.That was why the government eventually decided to stop developing it.Developing motorized sailboat was an effective scheme to improve driving force of fishing boat,and successful motorized sailboat experiments were acquired under a series of superior conditions in Zhoushan.Motorized sailboat improved the efficiency of production and created conditions for the expansion of political power.But the mechanization without reasonable planning consumed lots of public accumulation of fishery communes after 1958.The breakthrough of kelp culture technology was the key of kelp culture campaign during the Great Leap Forward.However,this production campaign not only lacked support of reliable technical promotion,but also neglected economic benefit.Finally,it seriously destroyed the productivity of some coastal fishing areas.As as an important form of the downward expansion of state power,collectivization had profoundly changed the production order of marine fishery in Zhejiang since modern times.Both aquatic product management and fishery production organization,as well as all kinds of technological reform,indicated that the state power had gained an unprecedented increase in the field of marine fishery.From the perspective of fiscal levy,collectivization led to the establishment of fiscal levy mode of marine fishery by CCP,which was different from Ming-Qing Dynasty and Republic of China.At the same time,CCP tried to build up its power base through continuous fiscal investment.The historical experience of marine fishery reminds us that to study modern state building,we should not only pay attention to fiscal levy with the expansion of state power,but also attach importance to fiscal investment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Collectivization, Marine Fishery, Fisherman, Zhejiang, Organization, Technology
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