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Enhancing Employee Engagement Between Upper-management and Frontline Employees: The Design of an Interventio

Posted on:2019-03-17Degree:Psy.DType:Dissertation
University:Alliant International UniversityCandidate:Greer, Tarsha FeliciaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1479390017493321Subject:Organizational Behavior
Definitions of employee engagement support the connection that exists between the employee, management, and the organization. When the connection is positive it can create relationships that will result in the success of the organization and the well-being of the individuals employed. Employee satisfaction can be derived from building positive interactions and communication within the organization. The benefits of employee engagement can decrease turnover, enhance employee morale, and increase productivity.;The intent of this applied dissertation study originated from the following research question: Can opening the communication gap between upper-management and employees effectively increase employee engagement? A thorough exploration of the literature on the topic was helpful in considering this question and led to a design to assist in creating an intervention, in the form of a workshop, where employees and upper-management could empathize, connect, and interact on the topic of engagement. The theoretical base for the design was based on the precepts of adult learning.;Eleven evaluators utilized their skills and experience to evaluate the design of the workshop. The evaluators represented various positions and levels of management, industries, for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. They were provided a packet that included an invitation, a summary of objectives, the design format, and a Likert Scale questionnaire that included comments to capture both quantitative and qualitative data. Evaluators provided feedback to strengthen the design by a slight change in modules, pre-and-post assessments regarding engagement, and the preparation of management and employees before attending the workshop. Overall the evaluators were positive and expressed that upper-management involvement was critical. Changes are suggested to the workshop design because of the data gathered from the evaluators. In the future, research will need to be completed to expand learning on employee engagement.;OD practitioners can be helpful in developing leadership and generating commitment as it relates to engagement. Employees frequently change organizations, jobs, and their careers. To maintain talent in the organization, it is essential for management to engage employees. Catteeuw, Flynn, & Vonderhorst, (2007) stated, "Employee engagement is an ongoing process, not an end itself. It needs to become part of the company culture (p. 155)."...
Keywords/Search Tags:Engagement, Management, Organization
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