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Quantitative study of single-sex education and middle school reading scores analyzed by race and sex

Posted on:2016-02-26Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:University of PhoenixCandidate:Hefner, Kimberly MFull Text:PDF
GTID:1477390017976188Subject:Secondary education
The No Child Left Behind Act put pressure on public schools to experiment with new classroom environments to raise a the achievement of students of all ethnicities on standardized tests. One classroom structure that experienced a rebirth due to the No Child Left Behind Act was single-sex classrooms. This study followed the coeducational classes and inaugurate single-sex classes of a public middle school as students progressed through grades six, seven, and eight. This quantitative causal-comparative study analyzed three years of students' reading scores by class, sex, and race on the South Carolina Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (PASS) as they progressed in either coeducational or single-sex classes. This study did not find significant differences between single-sex and coeducational classes' test score changes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Single-sex
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