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A study based on designing and construction of party frocks for 6 to 10 year old girls using shocking as a growth feature

Posted on:1993-11-24Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Sardar Patel University (India)Candidate:Upadhyay, Smita JFull Text:PDF
GTID:1477390014496059Subject:Textile research
The art of smocking, is of ancient origin and was used by peasants in the middle ages. The "smoc" was a loose garment worn by women and girls around the 13th century. Smocking is decorative in effect and is popular on small children's clothes for the reason that it is very elastic and stretches with the growth of the child. Smocking is used wherever extra material has to be gathered up and freedom for expansion and growth are needed.;An experimental study of smocking stitches was carried out with an aim to know the elasticity of smocking stitches. It was found that majority of the mothers preferred frocks as a party wear for 6 to 10 year old girls and they liked the idea of using smocking as a growth feature in girl&;It was concluded from this study that growing age girls needed growth features in their garments. The growth allowance is needed in the length wise as well as width wise direction in a garment. The major areas where growth allowance is required is in the length wise direction, shoulder width and round chest. Growth features could be used to increase the frock size. Smocking was considered a suitable growth feature because of its elastic property it could be used in frocks where width wise growth of the body is to be accommodated.
Keywords/Search Tags:Growth, Frocks, Used, Smocking, Girls, Wise
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