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The Leon Creek Watershed Study

Posted on:1991-08-22Degree:D.EngType:Dissertation
University:Texas A&M UniversityCandidate:Adams, Robert FrankFull Text:PDF
GTID:1475390017451237Subject:Civil engineering
This Record of Study describes the author's internship experience with the consulting engineering firm, CH2M HILL, during the period from June, 1987, through December, 1989, in San Antonio, Texas. CH2M HILL is a large national engineering firm with capabilities in virtually all engineering disciplines. This afforded the intern an opportunity for exposure to a wide variety of technical problems. Because San Antonio was a new and growing office, the intern had an opportunity to be involved in management and administrative matters on a daily basis. The purpose of this Record of Study is to demonstrate that the requirements of the Doctor of Engineering internship have been met.;The intern's primary responsibility during the course of the internship was in the role of project manager for the Leon Creek Watershed Study, a wastewater planning study. He served as the project manager from the development of the proposal through the completion of the second phase of this two phase project. In addition to responsibility for the technical aspects of the study, the author was responsible for management and administrative matters.;The author presents a review of the proposal stage, covering the decision process for pursuing a project successfully. He also reviews the technical aspects of a study effort in which the client was also a member of the project team responsible for delivering key information on schedule. A description of the author's involvement in resolving the client's lack of performance is given. Other managerial and administrative tasks are also reviewed.;This opportunity for exposure to a wide variety of technical, managerial, and administrative duties provided the author a unique opportunity to be involved with the business management side of consulting engineering. The final segment of this report reviews some of the management and organizational aspects of the firm.;The internship provided the author an opportunity to expand his engineering skills into various engineering disciplines, and to become involved in the day to day operation of an engineering business. The internship fulfilled the objectives established by the Doctor of Engineering program, the intern's advisory committee, the internship supervisor, and the intern.
Keywords/Search Tags:Engineering, Internship, Author
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