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Reconstruction of operating facilities: A model for project management

Posted on:2001-08-13Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Waterloo (Canada)Candidate:Attalla, Mohamed Mahmoud Ali MahmoudFull Text:PDF
The construction industry is the largest industry in Canada and worldwide. In recent years, a larger proportion of all construction investment has been spent on reconstruction projects. In spite of their increasing importance, however, little useable information was found in the literature to facilitate the management of reconstruction projects. The objective of this research, therefore, is to develop a model for the management and control of projects that involve reconstruction of operating facilities. The research has been motivated by the higher level of cost overrun, schedule overrun and quality problems associated with reconstruction projects, as compared to new construction. A model for the management and control of reconstruction projects is therefore needed.; Based on a comprehensive literature review and a survey among construction professionals, information was obtained related to fifty-four case studies of reconstruction projects, in addition to useful information regarding the reasons behind cost and schedule overruns and poor quality problems. Every case study included information about the specific techniques used for time, cost, and quality control, in addition to the actual performance outcomes. Based on the information obtained, thirty-six factors were identified to have direct impact on the overall performance of reconstruction projects. Based on a preliminary statistical investigation of these thirty-six factors, eighteen factors were identified as the most significant.; In order to develop an efficient predictive model of the performance in reconstruction projects, two techniques were used and their resulting models compared: Statistical Analysis, and Artificial Neural Networks. Forty-five project cases were used for model development and nine cases were used for validation and testing purposes. Based on the results obtained, the two models performed acceptably with the neural network model being advantageous due to its consideration of a larger number of factors. The predictive models consider the different tools available to the project manager for controlling the time, cost, and quality of a new project. Accordingly, the model provides a prediction of an overall project performance factor. Further experimentation with the model involved developing a spreadsheet user interface and a MontCarlo-based Sensitivity Analysis to address the user's uncertainty in his/her assessment of the input data on the performance prediction. Guidelines towards improving the management of reconstruction projects are then provided to enable managers better to plan this type of projects. This study contributes to a better understanding of the factors that governs the performance of reconstruction projects and provides a decision support tool to facilitate the efficient management of reconstruction projects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Reconstruction, Management, Model, Performance
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