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The utilization of the expert system as an interactive user aid in the functions of a library: A feasibility study

Posted on:1999-08-29Degree:D.ScType:Dissertation
University:The George Washington UniversityCandidate:Majd, MajidFull Text:PDF
GTID:1468390014469162Subject:Computer Science
Building on the technological advances already made in libraries, expert systems or knowledge-based systems provide the first real framework for the use of intelligent machines in libraries. Expert systems represent one effort to improve access to information at the local level, while continuing to take advantage of existing global information systems.; The objective of this dissertation was to investigate expert system as an interactive user aid in the library operations and the benefits that might be accrued to the library by its use. To accomplish this, a microcomputer based bibliographic reference expert system prototype was developed. The prototype (Information Retrieval Assistant or IRA) was an expert system tool providing user with a listing of standard ready reference sources. Two subject groups composed of reference Librarians (15) and library users (32) performed the test and filled out questionnaires designed to find out about the librarians' and the patrons' perceptions toward the expert systems in general and the IRA prototype in particular. This research is intended to provide a better basis for future research and work in the area of expert system usage in the library environment.; Three empirical studies were conducted. The first was designed to investigate the reference librarians' opinion and perceptions to determine their acceptance of such a system in the library environment. The experiment results showed that most of the fifteen subjects favored the prototype and thought it to be a useful reference aid to help find answers to reference questions. The second study investigated the patrons' opinion and perceptions to determine their acceptance of the prototype. The experiment results showed that most of the thirty-two subjects favored the prototype and thought it to be a useful reference aid to help find answers to reference questions. The third study investigated the differences between Librarians' perceptions and the patrons' perceptions. To accomplish this, statistical analysis using mean, two sample t-test and analysis of variance (AOV or ANOVA) were performed. P-values with a 95% confidence interval were calculated. The results showed that librarians' perceptions are not significantly different from the patrons' perceptions toward the prototype.; This study differed from other earlier studies. The domain of the prototype covered a variety of academic and non academic topics and fields of study and provided a list of standard reference sources with suggestions and referrals. It was tested and evaluated by two different user groups.
Keywords/Search Tags:Expert system, User, Library, Reference, Aid, Prototype
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